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Modern (Beijing) reading: xū
Preclassic Old Chinese: so
Classic Old Chinese:
Western Han Chinese: swa
Eastern Han Chinese: sjwa
Early Postclassic Chinese: sjwo
Middle Postclassic Chinese: sjwo
Late Postclassic Chinese: sjwo
Middle Chinese: sjü
English meaning : beard, whiskers; place name
Russian meaning[s]: 1) должно, следует, необходимо, обязательно; нужно; нуждаться в...; 2) ждать, медлить; остановиться; 3) в конечном счете; во всяком случае; решительно; 4) вероятно, пожалуй; 5) древн. усы; 6) древн. сюй (название травы); 7) Сюй (фамилия)
Comments: Also used for homonymous *so 'to wait'; *so 'necessary'. Viet. tua is a rather archaic loan (going back to the Han-time form *sjwa) with a specialized meaning: 'fringe, tassel; feelers (of certain animals)'. Standard Sino-Viet. is tu. Schüssler reconstructs *s-n- in this xie-sheng series, probably because of the identity 須 = 需 'wait' q.v.
Dialectal data: Dialectal data
Radical: 181
Four-angle index: 8103
Karlgren code: 0133 a-c
Vietnamese reading: tua
Shijing occurrences: 34.4, 39.4

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