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Modern (Beijing) reading: mō
Preclassic Old Chinese: mhā
Classic Old Chinese: mhā
Western Han Chinese: mhā
Eastern Han Chinese: mhā
Early Postclassic Chinese: mhō
Middle Postclassic Chinese: mhō
Late Postclassic Chinese: mhō
Middle Chinese: mo
English meaning : to touch, grope, feel [Wei]
Russian meaning[s]: 1) щупать; шарить; трогать; осязать; тереть; мять; гладить; ощупывать; идти (искать) ощупью; 2) предполагать, намечать; [mó] копировать, снимать копию; имитировать, вм.
Comments: Also read *mhāk, MC mâk id. The character is sometimes (since Tang) used instead of 摹 *mhā, MC mo 'to copy, imitate' q.v. Standard Sino-Viet. is mô; another colloquial loan from the same source is Viet. mò 'to grope, fumble'. For *mh cf. Xiamen mo1, boŋ1, Chaozhou mou1, Fuzhou muo1.
Dialectal data: Dialectal data
Radical: 64
Four-angle index: 4896
Vietnamese reading: mó

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