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Дравидийская этимология :

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Прадравидийский: *arái-
Значение: to rub two things against each other (> to grind; to launder)
Праюжнодравидийский: *arai-
Прателугу: *rā-
Праколами-гадаба: *rā-k-
Прагонди-куи: *rā- ~ *rē-
Комментарии: The entry in DEDR is a perfect example of the frequently witnessed confusion of data: it gives Konḍa rēs- 'to stir and mix, to plate (metals)' as a potential cognate, but later on the same form (rēs-) resurfaces in DEDR 3949 as 'to make plating (of metals)' and still later on in DEDR 4610 as 'to stir, mix' (!!!). This is, of course, due to the fact that proper reflexation of PDR auslaut vocalism in syncopated roots in Gondwan is rather hard to establish. // Present in 4/6 branches.

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