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Нильгирийская этимология :

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Пранильгирийский: *cut_-
Значение: to wander
Кота: cut- (cuty-) "to wander, wrap around, coil (rope), twirl (sling), wrap on (waistcloth)"
Тода: tüt_- (tüt_y-) "to wander around; wind (tr.), whirl, wear (waistcloth)"
Дополнительные формы: Also Toda tüt_ binding of thatch wound around roof-poles; tüt_ xwɨṛ large intestine; tüt_ mutm all around; tud_py circle, round place
Комментарии: The development *cut_-ǐ- > *cuc- (in the past stem) was most probably hindered in Kota because of dissimilative reasons; later the present stem became influenced by the past stem. Considering, however, that even so Kota *cut_- rather than cut- would be expected, it is also possible that the Kota form is a borrowing from Kannada.
Номер по DED: 2715

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