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Куи-куви этимология :

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Пракуи-куви: *tir- (-e-)
Значение: to turn
Куи: tihpa (tiht-) "to turn about, turn back, change round, alter, repent; n. act of turning about or back, repentance"
Куви (Фитцджеральд): tipali "to turn round"
Куви (Шульце): tirwikīnai
Сункараметта куви: triv- (-it-) "to spin, revolve"
Куви (Израэль): rēvu "path (animal)"
Дополнительные формы: Also Kui trehpa (treht-) to cause to wander, carry about, hawk for sale; trespa (trest-) to carry around; trēba (trēt-) to wander around, go for a walk; terpa (tert-) to twist, wind, wrap around; ? tija (tiji-) to turn back, return, retreat; n. act of turning back, etc.; Kuwi_F tiṛvali to turn oneself round; tṛīcali to twist; tēṛmbali to wallow; rejali to wander, roam; Kuwi_S termpinai to roll; treph'nai to involve, lap; rēnai to ramble, stroll; Kuwi_Su re'- (recc-) to wander, roam; Kuwi_Isr rēh- (-t-) to go about selling
Комментарии: All these numerous forms are descended from a single root *tir-, and although some of the derivatives can be traced to an even earlier period than PK (probably even PDR), it is still convenient to regard them as derivatives even in the limits of PK. Kuwi_F tipali is strange (*tirhali would be expected). It is either a borrowing from Telugu or else the form is extremely archaic, inherited from the period when *-rp- > *-pp-. In this case the comparison Kuwi_F tipali - Kui tihpa (possibly from <*tī-pa) is justified. As for other lexemes, the form *ter-v-/*tir-v- is archaic (we have, for example, Konda tirvi- 'to return'). Both the simple form (*tri-v-) and its causative (*tir-p- < *tri-v-p-) can be reconstructed for PK. Kui trehpa probably goes back not to *trespa, but to *trēpa, being thus a causative of *triva. The loss of initial *t- in several Kuwi forms is not clear (due to contamination with *re- 'to pull'?).
Номер по DED: 3246

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