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Куи-куви этимология :

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Пракуи-куви: *nilc-/*nlic-
Значение: to stand
Куи: nisa (nisi-) "to stand, stand still, be set; n. act of standing still"
Куви (Фитцджеральд): nīcali
Куви (Шульце): nīnai
Сункараметта куви: ni'- (nit-)
Донгрийя куви: li- (-t-)
Куви (Израэль): niʔ-/liʔ- (nit-/lit-) "to stand up"
Дополнительные формы: Also Kui_P nilpa (nilt-) to stand, be set up; Kuwi_F niphali, Kuwi_S niph'nai to cause to stand; Kuwi_Isr caus. nip- (-h-)
Комментарии: The seemingly unexplainable mess of correspondences eventually can be satisfactorily explained by the cluster *-lc-. In Kui *-lc- > *-c-, which regularly > *-s-. The causative form *nilc-p- > *nil-p-. In Proto-Kuwi the causative form has taken over the simple one, which explains the t-conjugation. Besides that, the following changes have happened: a) the final cluster *-lc- was lost in all dialects, so that the root has received a vocalic auslaut; b) in some dialects traces of this cluster were preserved in the reduced variant *nilc-p- > *nīl-p- > *nlī-p- > *lī-. On the external level this cluster is proved by forms like Gondi nilsp- 'to make to stand' and, more significant, by NDR.
Номер по DED: 3675

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