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Севернодравидийская этимология :

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Значение: this (intermediate)
Курух: hūs, hūr/hubṛar, hūd, hubṛā "this male, these persons, this female or thing, these things (intermediate between near and far, or close to the person addressed)"
Малто: uthi "look there!"
Дополнительные формы: Also KUR this; hū̃rā, hū̃dā, hū̃rū, hurū that much of (shown from some distance), that much (i.e. as much as is with you, or as much as you said); hudā, huiyyā, husan there (in the centre, or close to you); hujgō in that (intermediate) direction; hunnū by that way; huttrā towards that quarter, on that side (previously mentioned), on your side, in your village or country.
Номер по DED: 557

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