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Южнодравидийская этимология :

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Праюжно-дравидийский: *nil-
Значение: to stand
Тамильский: nil (nirp-, nin_r_-)
Тамильское значение: to stand, stop, halt, be steadfast, stay, continue, cease, be stopped, remain, wait, delay
Тамильские производные: nilavu (nilavi-) to be permanent, fixed, stay, exist, be in use, be extant; nilāvu (nilāvi-) to be permanent, fixed; niluvai standing, staying, balance, arrears; nilai standing, staying, firmness, stability, permanence, condition, state, place, stopping place, residence, depth of water allowing one to stand in, usage, custom; (prob. -v-, -nt-) to remain permanent, stay; (-pp-, -tt-) to obtain a footing, be settled, lasting, delay, be just deep enough to allow a man to stand (as a river); nilaippu permanence, continuance, durability, perseverance, persistence; nilaimai condition, state (as of affairs), standing posture, firmness, truth, probity; nir_patu the immovables, as the vegetable kingdom; nin_r_u always, permanently; nir_r_al standing, staying; nir_uttu (nir_utti-), nir_uvu (nir_uvi-) to set up, raise, erect, fix on a firm basis, determine, stop (as a person), defer, put an end to; nir_ai bringing to a stand, stopping, fixed position, strength of mind, self-control; nir_u (-pp-, -tt-) to put, set, place, create, construct, weigh, balance, decide; nir_uppān_ a balance
Малаялам: nilkka
Малаяльское значение: to stand, remain, last, stop, cease
Малаяльские производные: nilpu standing, arrears, balance; nilpikka to make to stand, appoint; nila standing, place, position, a stop, station in life, custom; nilama quality, state; nilekka to come to a stand, cease, get a footing, remain; nilavu balance, arrears; nir_uttuka to make to stand, stop; nir_uttu pause, stop; nir_uttikka to arrest; nir_ukka to weigh
Каннада: nil (nilt-/nind-), nilu, nillu
Каннада значение: to stand still, stand, stand up, stop, stay, wait, remain, be left, last, remain fixed, cease, rest, endure
Каннада производные: nila, nilu standing, that stands upright, remainder, balance, arrears; nilavu, niluvu standing, position, condition, height, that stands upright, cessation, leisure, resting place, place of abode; nilisu, nillisu to cause to stand, stop, cease, stay, etc.; niluvike, nilluvike standing, height; nillisuvike placing, etc.; nele standing, standing place, abode, place, basis, firmness, certainty, certain knowledge; nelasu to become established, stay, stand, obtain; nir_isu to put down, place, (PhB.) establish
Кодагу: nill- (nipp-, nind-)
Кодагу значение: to stand
Кодагу производные: nele halting place
Тулу: nilpuni, nilipuni
Тулу значение: to stay, cease, become quiet
Тулу производные: nilagaḍè, nilgaḍè settlement, conclusion, cessation; nilavu, nilāvu, nilevu balance, arrears, standing, residence; nilè, nelè firm, fast, abiding, quiet, still, calm; nileppu state, posture, station; nilevuni to be steadfast; nilpu pause, stop, interruption, stay, duration; nilpuḍuni to put a stop, cause to stop, make stand
Пранильгирийский: *nil-
Комментарии: The forms with alveolar -r_- are either old derivates or do not belong here.
Номер по DED: 3675

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