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Южнодравидийская этимология :

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Праюжно-дравидийский: *mats-
Значение: furious, enraged; lust
Тамильский: mata (-pp-, -tt-)
Тамильское значение: to be furious as by must or fanaticism, be luxuriant or fruitful, grow fat, be wanton or lascivious, be intoxicated, be arrogant, be bewildered; n. (also matavu) strength, beauty, excess, abundance, ignorance
Тамильские производные: matakkam stupor caused by over-eating or drinking, weariness; matappu being intoxicated, exhilaration, wantonness or voluptuousness, being ferocious as beasts, being fertile as land, being luxurious as trees or vegetation; matam exhilaration, exultation, joy, ichor of elephants, strength, pride, arrogance, presumption, honey, madness, frenzy, wantonness, lasciviousness, venereal heats, richness of land, fertility, inebriety, intoxication, musk, abundance, greatness; matan_ arrogance, strength, enthusiasm, elation, beauty, greatness, glory, abundance, excess, ignorance, bewilderment; matar (-pp-, -tt-) to flourish, be fertile, rich or luxuriant, be too luxuriant to be productive (as soil, plants, etc.), be affected with frenzy as a bull or elephant, be self-conceited, arrogant, rejoice, be full of joy, increase, abound; n. pride, arrogance, self-conceit, wantonness, joy, abundance, rush, gust, impulse, bravery; matarppu, matarvu flourishing, being rich, plump or luxuriant, joy, delight, intense desire, beauty, strength, abundance, fullness; matarvai flourishing, being rich, plump or luxuriant, pride, haughtiness, exhilaration, bewilderment; matalai desire, attachment; matār arrogance; matāḷi (-pp-, -tt-) to thrive, flourish, be luxuriant, rich, be too luxuriant to be productive as plants, soil, etc.; mati (-pp-, -tt-) to be haughty, be furious; matippu growing fat (as a person), growing leafy (as a plant); mataiiya wanton, lascivious, beautiful, handsome, innocent, strong; matukai strength
Малаялам: madam
Малаяльское значение: delight, intoxication, elated spirits, passion, juice that flows from a rutting elephant's temples
Малаяльские производные: madāḷikka to grow rank; madikka to be elated, intoxicated, be in rut
Каннада: masaka
Каннада значение: vehement emotion, great agitation, passion, wrath, rage
Каннада производные: masagu, mosagu to expand, become expanded, developed, break forth or out, appear, rise; activity to be displayed, be agitated or commoved; be urged on by the passions, grow furious, be enraged, rage; display, exhibit, manifest; mase acute lust
Кодагу: madi- (madip-, madic-)
Кодагу значение: (animal) is lustful of the female, (elephant) is in must
Тулу: madakuni
Тулу значение: to go or move swiftly
Номер по DED: 4687

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