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Южнодравидийская этимология :

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Праюжно-дравидийский: *maj-
Значение: mistake, bewilderment
Тамильский: maya (-pp-, -nt-)
Тамильское значение: to mistake, misunderstand
Тамильские производные: mayakku (mayakki-) to bewilder, confuse, puzzle, mystify, fascinate, allure, charm, mix up, unite, ruin, destroy, disturb, unsettle, make one swoon; n. (also mayakkam) mental delusion, stupor, bewilderment, aberration of mind as from ignorance, fascination, etc., spiritual ignorance, mistaken knowledge, misunderstanding, giddiness, unconsciousness, coma, confusion, mixture, laziness; mayakkaṭi bewilderment, intoxication; mayaŋku (mayaŋki-) to be confused, bewildered, be charmed, allured, be intoxicated, be changed in one's mind or body, be ruined, desolated, be distressed, be disturbed, tossed about (as the sea), be in doubt, be overwhelmed with a nxiety, be mixed up, resemble, be crowded together, be engaged in a fight, lose one's senses, be in a state of disorder or confusion, become unconscious; mayar (-v-, -nt-) to be bewildered, confused, lose consciousness, be fatigued, tired, wonder; n. bewilderment; mayarvu illusion of the senses, confusion, bewilderment, ignorance, weariness; mayari person whose mind is confused, bewildered person, lascivious person, ignorant person; mayal confusion, bewilderment, delusion, madness, desire, lust, sensual infatuation, doubt, fear, dread; mayar_kai confusion, bewilderment, delusion; maiyal infatuation of love, madness, overwhelming pride, must of elephant; maiyalavar persons of deranged minds; maiyalār id., magicians; maiyā (-pp-, -tt-) to be perplexed; maintu infatuation of love, madness, must of elephant, ignorance; macakku (macakki-) to charm, bewitch, confuse, perplex; macakkam dullness, indolence, swoon, unconsciousness, morbid longings of a pregnant woman; macakkai morbid longings of a pregnant woman; macaŋku (macaŋki-) to become confused, be doubtful; macaŋkal confusion, perplexity
Малаялам: mayaŋŋuka
Малаяльское значение: to be drowsy, giddy, be perplexed, infatuated
Малаяльские производные: mayakkam drowsiness, giddiness, swoon, bewilderment, distraction; mayakku perplexity, doubt; mayakkuka to perplex, delude, fascinate; mayal infatuation, charm of love; mayyal perturbation, grief
Каннада: mayamu, maymu
Каннада значение: bewilderment, perplexity
Каннада производные: mayme perplexed, downcast state; maccu, meccu illusion, delusion, deception; a decoy powder
Кодагу: mēk- (mēki-)
Кодагу значение: to mix thoroughly (tr,)
Кодагу производные: mēŋg- (mēŋgi-) id. (intr.)
Тулу: maikuni
Тулу значение: to entice, persuade, perplex
Комментарии: Tamil forms with -c- (macaŋku, etc.) are actually contaminated with *mas- 'to be dull, lacklustre'.
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