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Южнодравидийская этимология :

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Праюжно-дравидийский: *o[p]-
Значение: to suit, accept
Тамильский: o (-pp-, -tt-)
Тамильское значение: to be suited to, appropriate, be acceptable, be in happy concord, resemble, equal, appear as if it were
Тамильские производные: ottatu that which is commensurate with or fit, that which has the approval of the world; oppu (oppi-) to agree, accede to, assent; n. that which is fit or proper, beauty, consent, approval, uniformity, likeness, analogy; oppantam agreement, contract, unanimity; oppam comparison, resemblance, ornamentation; signature; kaiy-oppam signature; oppan_ai comparison, likeness, adornment; oppi (-pp-, -tt-) to liken, compare, embellish; cause to agree, deliver; oppitam acceptability, propriety, fairness; oppumai likeness; oppuvi (-pp-, -tt-) to surrender, consign, illustrate; ovvu (ovvi-) to be like, be congruous, consistent; ōpāti particle of comparison
Малаялам: okkuka
Малаяльское значение: to be like, please, be acceptable, agree, compare
Малаяльские производные: otta equal, consistent, agreeable, right; oppanam comparison; adornment; oppam equality, harmony; oppantam agreement, contract; opparam unity, agreement; oppāti comparison, simile; oppāyam something agreeable; oppāran a mediator; oppāri parable, flattery; oppārittam simile, comparison; oppu conformity; signature; oppikka to equalize, compare, adjust, please, persuade; kayy-oppu signature; ovvuka to be in agreement
Каннада: oppu, orpu
Каннада значение: to agree with, suit, be fit, becoming, or agreeable, be beautiful, agree to, assent, consent; n. fitness, etc., consent, beauty
Каннада производные: oppisu, oppayisu to assign, deliver, present, give, make consent; oppa fitness, propriety, elegance, beauty, agreement; oppanda agreeing, agreement, contract; oppita that has been agreed to, consent; oppike, oppige, oppuvike agreeing, consent; ommu to concur, assent, admit, agree, be fit or proper; n. agreeing, assenting, etc.; ōpādi likeness, similarity; (Hav.) ombu to be agreeable
Кодагу: o- (opp-, ott-)
Кодагу значение: to be suitable; consent, agree
Кодагу производные: otta- (ottaṇḍ-) to consent; oppāra good manners, quiet and respectful manners
Тулу: oppiyuni
Тулу значение: to admit, acquiesce in, agree to, assent, consent, be fit or suitable, resemble
Тулу производные: oppāvuni, oppiyāvuni to cause to consent or agree, persuade; oppanda agreement, contract, treaty; oppige consent, agreement, compliance; oppu, kaiyy-oppigè signature; ombuni to be suitable, agree with; ombu becoming, elegant; ōpādi like, according to; (B-K.) ottoṇụ to agree, accept, undertake
Пранильгирийский: *op-
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