Proto-Inupik: *qaqua-, *qaqu-int
Meaning: cross-piece, hind part of spear
Russian meaning: перекрестье, задняя часть копья
SPI Dialects: Imaq qaʁúîn 'upper and lower yards of sail (реи)', W qaʁuaq 'back part of harpoon' [Jen.]
WCI Dialects: Cop qaqu(ŋa) 'joint on arrow shaft' [Ras.]
ECI Dialects: Lab qaquaq 'knob at end of bird arrow' [Peck]
Greenlandic Inupik: qaquaq 'hind part ob bird- or bladder-dart', qaquit, qaquisiq 'bone knob on hind part of bird-dart with cavity for the knob of the throwing-stick'
GRI Dialects: EG qaʁivilisiq 'bone knob on hind part of bird-dart with cavity for the knob of the throwing-stick'
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 287