Proto-Inupik: *qiu- (*qiʁu-t-), *qiija-, *qiʁa-ta-
Meaning: to freeze to death 1, to feel cold 2, to be cold weather 3, stiff (and frozen) 4
Russian meaning: замерзаь до смерти 1, мерзнуть 2, холодно, холодать 3, одеревенелый (от мороза) 4
Seward Peninsula Inupik: qiu- 1
SPI Dialects: Imaq qíûnɨq 'chill from frost'
North Alaskan Inupik: qi[ɣ]u- 1, qiʁuvik 'refrozen slush', qiunŋu- 'to shiver from illness', qīja- 2, qījanaq- 3, qiʁata- 4, qiʁʁaq- 'to have stiff limbs'
Western Canadian Inupik: qiu- 1, qiʁata- 4, qiʁʁaq- 'to be stiff (limbs)'
Eastern Canadian Inupik: qiu- 1, qiʁattatiq- 'to stiffen', qiʁʁa(C)- 'to have caused someone to stiffen (death or cold)'
ECI Dialects: Lab qiɣata- 4, Igl qīja- 2, NBI, SB qia- 'to be frozen stiff'
Greenlandic Inupik: qiu- 1, qiunŋujūʁ- 'to be freezing cold', qiʁut- 'to get frostbite, frost sores', qīa- 2, qīanaʁ- 3, qiʁata- 4
GRI Dialects: EG qāla- 4
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 308, 309