Proto-IE: *Ayek-, *y[ē]k-
Meaning: to call; to beg, to complain
Old Indian: yā́cati, -te `to ask, beg, implore'
Old Greek: ôi̯kto-s m. `pity, compassion', oi̯ktró- `pitipitiable, lamentable'; {3 sg. ai̯kázdei̯ `звать' (Hsch.) - nowhere found!};
Other Italic: Osk aíkdafed `proclamavit ?'
Celtic: OIr ēigid `cries', ēigem f. `a cry', īachtaid `groans, cries'; MCymr ieith, NCymr iaith, Bret iez `Sprache'
Russ. meaning: звать; просить, жаловаться
References: WP I 8 f, I 204 f