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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *bhū-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: to become, to be
Old Indian: bhávati, fut. bhaviṣyáti, aor. ábhūt, bhúvat, pf. babhū́va, pass. bhūyate, caus. bhāvayati, ptc. bhūtá- `to be, become'; bhūtá- n. `living being, world'; bhū́ti-, bhūtí- f. `existence, being, welfare'; bhāvá- m. `becoming, being', bhavá- m. `birth, production, origin'; bhavítra- n. `earth, world'; bhavana- n. `dwelling, abode; birth, production', bhúvana- n. `being, living creature'; bhū- f. `world, universe, world', bhū́mī, bhū́mi- f. `earth, soil, ground'; bhū́man- n. `earth, world, being', bhūmán- m. `abundance, multitude', -bhu- (in comp.) `becoming, being'; bhávītva- `future'
Avestan: bavaiti `wird, entsteht, geschieht; wird sein'; fut. būṣyeiti, ptc. būṣyant- `der ins Dasein treten wird'; būmī- `Erde'
Other Iranian: OPers baviyiy `wird'; NPers. būdan `sein'; OPers būmī-, NPers būm `Erde'
Old Greek: phǘomai̯, aor. intr. éphǖn, tr. phǖ̂sai̯, pf. intr. péphǖka, va. phütó- `naturgewachsen; gepflanzt': intr.-med. `wachsen; entstehen, werden', pf. (+aor.) `von Natur geschaffen od. beschaffen sein, da sein', trans. (factitivum)-act. `wachsen lassen, erzeugen, hervortbringen'; phüǟ́ f. `Wuchs, Gestalt, Natur, Wesen'; phǖ̂ma n. `Gewächs, Wucherung, Geschwulst', phǘtlǟ f. `Geschlecht, Rasse', phǘsi-s f. `Wuchs, Beschaffenheit, Abstammung, Natur, Wesen', phütó-n n. Gewächs, Pflanze', phǖlǟ́ f. `Stamm, Stammverein, Gemeinde' - a contamination ot 2 roots, 'to be' and 'to grow'
Slavic: bɨ̄́tī, *bɨ̄̀lъ; ptc. bɨ̄̀tъ; aor. bɨ̄́xъ, bɨ̄xõmъ, ipf. bē; *zā-bɨ̄́tī, ptc, -bъvenъ; *bɨ̄tъ, *bɨ̄to, *bɨ̄lьje; ft. bǭ́dǭ; *bā́vītī; cond. bimь `wäre'
Baltic: *bū̂- (2) vb. intr., *bū̃-tl-a- c., -iā̃ f.; *bi=
Latin: fuī (OLat fūī) `bin gewesen', futūrus `sein werdend, künftig', , forem `wäre', fore `sind werden'; conj. fuam, fuat (OLat) `sei'; fīō, fī̆erī (OLat fīere), fīam, fīēbam, fī̆erem etc. `werden, entstehen, erzeuget werden, gemacht werden, hervorgehen'
Other Italic: Osk fiiet `fiunt', fust `erit', fufans `erant', fufens `fuērunt', fusíd `foret', conj. pf. fuid `fuerit', fust `fuerit'; Fuutreí `Genetrīcī'; Umbr fust `erit', furent `erunt', fefure `fuerint', futu `estō', fuia `fiat'
Celtic: *but- > OIr inf. < dat. buith `sein'; prs. bīu `ich pflege zu sein', 3 sg. -bi; MCymr bydaf `ero; pflege zu sein', Cymr bod `sein', Corn bos `sein'; bethaf `ero; pflege zu sein', MBret bezaff `ich pflege zu sein', Bret bout `sein'
Russ. meaning: становиться, быть
References: WP II 140 f

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