Proto-IE: *steyǝ-, *styō-
Meaning: to thicken
Tokharian: B stināsk- 'be silent' (Adams 709)
Old Indian: styāyate `to be collected into a heap or mass', ptc. styāna-; pra-stīma-, pra-stīta- `crowded together', stīmá- `sluggish, slow', stiyā f. `stagnant water', stimita- `fixed, motionless, still, calm'
Avestan: stā(y)- `Haufen, Masse'
Old Greek: stéar (/ stéār), gen. stéatos n. `(stehendes) Fett, Talg; Teig'; aŋkhi-stī̂no- 'closed, crowded, in heaps (Hom.), stílǟ f. `Tropfen' || sō̂ma, -atos n. 'body'
Latin: stīria f. `Tropfen', stilla f. `id.'
Russ. meaning: застывать