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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *g'ame-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: son-in-law, fiancé; to marry
Old Indian: jā́ra- m. `paramour, lover; confidential friend; paramour of a married woman', jā́mātar- m. `son-in-law; brother-in-law', jāmí- `related like brother and sister', f. (postved.) `a female relative of the head of a family, esp. daughter-in-law', jāmā f. `daughter'
Avestan: zāmātar- 'Tochtermann', zāmaoya- 'Bruder des Schwiegersohns'
Old Greek: gambró-s m. `Schwiegersohn, Eidam; Schwager'; gaméō `heiraten, sich verheiraten', aor. égǟma, gegámēka, gegámēmai̯; gámo-s m. `Heirat, Hochzeit'; gamétǟ-s m. `Gatte, Ehemann', gametǟ́ `Gattin, Frau', gamétis `id.'
Slavic: *zę̄tь
Baltic: *ǯen̂-t-a-, *ǯin-t-a- m.
Latin: gener, -erī m. `Schwiegersohn', Gl. genta = gambrós Gl. II Ps. Philox. GE 19
Albanian: dhë́ndhër 'bride-groom; son-in-law'
Russ. meaning: зять, жених; брать в жены
References: WP I 692, Buck 107.
Comments: Contaminating with *g'ene- (cf. under *g'ene- Lett. znuõts, Gr. gnōtǟ́).

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