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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *g'ombh-
Meaning: tooth; to pierce, to gnaw through
Tokharian: A kam, B keme (PT *keme) 'tooth' (Adams 194)
Old Indian: jámbha- m. `tooth, eye-tooth, tusk'; jambhate, jabhate `to crush, destroy, snap at'
Avestan: zǝmbayadwǝm `ihr zermalmt'
Old Greek: gomphíos (odṓn) `Backenzahn'
Slavic: *zǭbъ D; *zę̄bǭ, *zēbstī
Baltic: *ǯam̃b-ia- c., *ǯam̃b-a- c.
Germanic: *kamb-a- m.; *kamb-ia- vb.
Albanian: dhëmb, pl. -ë зуб; зубец; δɛmp `es schmert mich'
Russ. meaning: зуб, зубец; протыкать, прогрызать
References: WP I 575 f
Comments: Cf. *genǝbh- 'peg'.

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