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Афразийская этимология :

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PROTO: *da(n)g(ʷ)-Vr/l-
MEANING: elephant
восточночадский: *di(n)gʷVr/l- 'elephant/rhinoceros'
южнокушитские: *dangʷ- 'elephant'
омотские: *dang(ʷ)-Vr- 'elephant'
NOTES: Cf. HSED, 650 *dan(g)- 'elephant' (Iraqw; Kafa, Moča and Anf., Bworo; HECu. forms of the dan- type, with an unexplainable loss of -ng; and Dah. d_annaba_, also with a strange loss of -ng- and the presence of -b_- difficult to interpret); and 652 *dangol- 'elephant' (Ometo and ECh: Dng., Mig. and Sok. dogol) further compared with Saho-Afar dakaano and LECu *dagon- (Som. dagon and, strangely inluded into LECu, Dah. dokomi). Cf. also Bla. Eleph., 199, where "the most widespread term for 'elephant' common for most of Cushitic and Omotic languages"...probably "unique pan-Cushitic - Omotic isogloss" includes a lot of diverse terms which I prefer to distribute among several different roots.

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