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Семитская этимология :

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NUMBER: 1266
PROTO: *ka/iska/is- ~ *kVsʔ/w-
MEANING: back, side or front part of the body (of a sheep?)
аккадский: kaskasu 'soft part of the sheep's breastbone; a cut of the meat of a sheep' OB on [CAD k 244], [AHw 454].

    Rendered by SUM kak.zag.ga; a certain "phonetic" similarity of the two terms suggesting a borrowing looks accidental: both the AKK word with its rather reliable cognates in SEM, and the SUM one (kak 'nail, peg', zag 'side, front, back, etc.') seem well motivated

арабский: kusʔ- 'derrière, partie postérieure d'une chose; derrière de la tête' [BK 2 894]
тигре: kǝšwät 'sheep's side' [LH 408]; -š- must be a secondary development from *s (< SEM *s {} *c)
амхарский: kiskissa 'bone at the base of the tail' [K 1410]
NOTES: A difficult case: meanings very diverse.

    A reduplicated stem in AKK and AMH presumably goes back to the underlying "biconsonantal" root *kas- preserved in ARB and TGR and augmented with -ʔ and -w respectively.

    Cf. also SYR kaskāsā 'decarnatio (ossum)' [Brock 338]; semantically difficult


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