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PROTO: *paḫ(i)d_-
MEANING: hip, thigh
еврейский (иврит): paḥad 'thigh, haunch' [KB 923].

    Hapax in Job. -d is probably due to the ARM origin of the word. There is an old tradition of translating this word as 'testiculus' (a recent discussion supporting this opinion see in [Pope Job 272]).

иудейский арамейский: paḥdīn (pl.) 'testiculi' [Ja 1151].

    Jastrow's explanation as 'blown up' does not look convincing; a similar shift of meaning see in AKK pah_allu 'thigh' vs. 'penis' in other SEM (see *paḥ(a)l- 'penis', No. ) or in AKK birku 'knee; lap; male and female sexual parts' [CAD b 255]

сирийский арамейский: puḥdā (-u- < *a in the vicinity of p ?) 'femur, clunis' [Brock 562]
арабский: fah_id_-, fah_d_-, fih_d_- 'cuisse' [BK 2 552]
эпиграфические южноаравийские языки: SAB fh_d_ 'hip' [SD 43]
мехри: ǝfh_ād (to read ǝfh_ād_?), pl. fǝh_yōd_ 'flesh and bone of upper leg from knee to hip' [JM 110].

    ǝfh_ād is likely to be a misprint in [JM], since all the derivatives have -d_ as the last consonant [ibid.]; cf., however, QISHN fh_ād 'cuisse' [SS L 2 216]

джиббали: fah_d_ 'flesh and bone of upper leg from knee to hip' [JJ 67]
харсуси: ǝfḫād_
NOTES: SOQ fáh_id [LS 335], fh_ed 'cuisse' [SSL 4 87] must be an Arabism because of -h_- in place of the expected *ḥ.

    Note a derived meaning 'tribe': ARM: PLM pḥd/pḥz 'tribal union'; ARB fah_id_-/fah_d_-/fih_d_- 'la plus petite subdivision d'une tribu' [BK 2 552]; ESA: QAT fh_d_ 'clan, family, sub-tribe' [Ricks 129]; MSA: MHR fǝh_ǝ́d_ǝt 'tribe' [JM 110], JIB fh_ǝ́d_ǝt do. [JJ 67], SOQ fâḥid 'peuple' (also fh_edeh, which must be an Arabism because of -h_-) 'peuple' [LS 335] (an areal Arabian semantic evolution?).

    On this semantic shift see [M. Cohen Genoux], [Kogan, Militarev].

    [KB 953]: HBR, ARM, ARB; [Brock 565]: SYR, ARB, HBR


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