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Семитская этимология :

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NUMBER: 1974
PROTO: *parr-
MEANING: 'lamb'
аккадский: parru 'Lamm, Jungschaf' SB on [AHw. 834], parratu 'weibliches Lamm' SB, MA on [ibid.]. Late Babylonian attestations predominate (cf. [Landsberger Shafe 155]) so that a WS (Aramaic) origin of the Akk. term would not be unlikely. Such an assumption becomes much more difficult in view of a secure attestation in the OB letter AbB 9 161:18 (5 UDU pa-ar-ri šāmamma šūbilam 'buy and send here 5 p.'). On the other hand, cf. GU4 pa-a-ru-um 'ein Rind?' (SLB 1 184:10), also Old Babylonian [AHw. 836].
арамейские: Htr. prtʔ 'ewe of sheep' [HJ 936] (uncertain). This is the interpretation proposed by several athors for Hatra 245:3 (cf. [Aggoula 122, 189]). In [HJ] itself, the translation 'portion' is prefered
сирийский арамейский: parrā 'agnus' [Brock. 591], partā 'agna' [ibid.] (нет в [PS])
мандейский арамейский: para (f. parta) 'lamb (male or female acc. to gender)' [DM 362]
арабский: furār-, farūr- 'petit de brebis ou de chèvre ou de buffle' [BK 2 559], farīr- 'petit de buffle, de brebis, de chèvre' [ibid.], furfur- 'petit de brebis, agneau ou petit de chèvre, chevreau ou petit d'antilope', coll. 'agneaux ou chevreaux' [ibid. 582] (см. все формы в [Fr. III 326, 339], [Lane 2356-7], [LA V 52]). Cм. [Hommel 239]

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