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Семитская этимология :

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NUMBER: 1988
PROTO: *ʔabbīr-
MEANING: 'stallion; bull'
угаритский: cf. ibr 'caballo' + 'toro' /ʔa/ib(b)īru/ DLU, 5 ("de animal corpulento macho" does not follow from the contexts quoted; "por el ruido del relincho de sus caballos") @ Folk etymology?
еврейский (иврит): ʔabbīr 'stallion' = 'bull' < 'strong, powerful' HAL, 6. Cf. in the Song of Deborah, where ʔ. is a syn. of sūsīm; Jr. 8:16 id. "from the noise of neighing of ʔ. the earth shakes"); Jr. 47:3 id. ("from the noise of stamping of ʔ."); Jr 50:11 ("and neighed as ʔ."). No traces of 'strength'. @ Folk etymology?

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