NUMBER: 2051
PROTO: *gVd(V)l-
еврейский (иврит): PB (?) gūdāl 'thumb, great toe' [Ja 218], ʔăgūdāl do. [ibid. 11] (with the ʔa- prefix)
арабский: ǧadl-, ǧidl- 'membre quelconque du corps; verge, penis; tendon (des mains ou des jambes); os entier, non facturé' [BK 1 266]
мехри: gēdǝl (gǝdǝ́wwǝl, ḥǝgdōl) 'foot' [JM 114]
джиббали: gɛ́dǝl (gdɔ̄l) 'foot' [JJ 71]
харсуси: gédel 'foot' [JH 38]
NOTES: Scarce though reliable attestation. Cf. *ga/ud- '(part or bone of) the leg of animal' (No. ); one wonders if the present root may be related with suffixed -l.
The HBR PB examples (above) may alternatively be derived from gādal 'to be high, large' [ibid. 212] and then unrelated to this root, or semantically influenced by the latter. Cf. AA *gad- 'foot'