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Семитская этимология :

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NUMBER: 2095
PROTO: *ḥamt_- > *ḥumt_- {} *ḥamč- > *ḥumč-
MEANING: (lower) belly, uterus, womb
аккадский: emšu, enšu, imšu 'hypogastric region' OB, SB [CAD e 153], 'Unterleib, Mutterleib' [AHw 215]
еврейский (иврит): ḥōmäš 'belly' [KB 331]
сирийский арамейский: ḥumšā 'abdomen, omassum' [Brock 242].

    š points to *š {} *s, while t < *t_ {} *č is expected. Theoretically may be interpreted as Akkadism or Canaanism, but hardly so

геэз (древнеэфиопский): ḥǝmŝ, ḥǝms 'uterus, womb' [LGz 234-235].

    ŝ points to *ŝ {} *ĉ unless a graphic variant of s (this and other examples of SEM *t_ > GEZ ŝ are treated in [Voigt 105-6 et passim])

тигре: ḥǝms 'pubes, abdomen' [LH 61]
амхарский: ǝms 'vulva, vagina' [K 1126]
мехри: ḥamt_ 'belly from the navel down' [JM 182]
джиббали: ḥamt_ 'lower belly' [JJ 112]
харсуси: ḥamt_ 'lower belly, pubes' [JH 60]
сокотри: ḥánt 'ventre' [LS 183] (n < *m before -t)
NOTES: Phonetically a difficult case: only MSA forms definitely point to *-t_ as a third radical while reflexes in other language are either not indicative (AKK, HBR, MOD ETH) or irregular (ARM, GEZ).

    Cf. ARB ḥamīš- 'graisse; obésité' [BK 1 492], with a plausible semantic shift, but with -š instead of the expected -t_.

    Note MND himṣa 'belly, entrails' [DM 146] possibly related to AKK h_imṣu 'fatty tissue around the intestines; a growth on the skin' OB on [CAD h_ 192], [AHw 346].

    [Fron 46] (*ḥumš- 'addome' /GEZ,SYR,HBR,AKK/); [Holma 87]: AKK, HBR, SYR, GEZ; [KB 331]: HBR, SYR, GEZ, TGR, AKK; [Brock 242]: SYR, HBR, GEZ, AKK; [LS 183]: SOQ, TGR (ḥanot, for which see *ḥann-, No. ); [LGz 234-35]: GEZ, ETH, MHR, HBR, AKK, SYR (discussion)


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