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Семитская этимология :

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NUMBER: 2238
PROTO: *wat(a)r-
MEANING: tendon
еврейский (иврит): yätär 'tendon' [KB 452]
иудейский арамейский: yitrā 'the straight side of the stomach (opposite to curved side)' [Ja 605].

    Note a very specific meaning shift

сирийский арамейский: yatrā 'nervus, chorda; funis' [Brock 313]
мандейский арамейский: iatra 'tendon; bowstring', iatira 'bowstring' [DM 188]
арабский: watar- 'tendon; corde' [BK 2 1480]; cf. also watar-at- 'nerf des lombes; frein de la langue, etc.' [ibid.]
геэз (древнеэфиопский): watr 'sinew, cord' [LGz 622]
амхарский: wätär 'Achilles' tendon' [K 1537]
харари: wɔtär 'nerve, vein, gut, sinew' [LHar 162]
гураге: wätär 'nerve, sinew, gut, tendon' [LGur 670] (dialects not specified)
NOTES: Cf. a related stem *witr- with a non-anatomic meaning 'cord, strap' in AKK id/t/ṭru 'a strap or band' EA, SB [CAD i 10], [AHw 364], ARM JUD yitrā 'strong cord; the cord of the bow' [Ja 605], MND iatra, iatira 'bowstring' [DM 188], and the same meaning accompanying the anatomic term in ARB and ETH; note also a derived verb 'to stretch (a bow)' in ARB and ETH and another cultural meaning of the noun in ETH: GEZ watr 'string (of musical instrument' [LGz 622], TGR wätär 'tune of the harp' [LH 439], TNA wätär 'chant accompanied by the harp' [LGz 622].

    Deserve mention MOD ETH variant roots with -ṭ- (cf. -ṭ- in AKK iṭru (above): (1) TNA wäṭär kǝsad 'muscolo della parte posteriore del collo' [Bass 664], (2) TNA wäṭṭärä 'stendere, stirare una pelle' [ibid.], AMH wäṭṭärä 'to stretch (a string, a hide)' [K 1594], ARG weṭṭära 'to stretch by pulling' [LGz 622].

    [KB 452]: HBR, ARM, ARB, GEZ, TGR; [Brock 313]: SYR, ARM, ARB, HBR, GEZ; [LGz 622]: GEZ, ETH, ARB, ARM, HBR (incl. ARM, ARB and ETH verbal and nominal forms related to 'bow')


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