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Семитская этимология :

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NUMBER: 2522
PROTO: *sVnūn(Vw)-at-
MEANING: swallow
аккадский: sinuntu (sinundu, ṣinundu, sinūnu) 'swallow' OB on [CAD s 295], [AHw. 1048], also šinūnūtu (šinūntu, šunūnūtu) 'a bird' OB on [CAD š3 55], 'eine grosse Schwalbe' [AHw. 1243]. Both terms are known only from literary texts and lexical lists (syllabic attestations in OB are known only for šinūnūtu, e.g. in the OB bird-omina HUCA 40-41 89 I 29). See further [Salonen Vögel 248-9]. УТОЧНИТЬ ПРО ОB ПИСЬМО CAGNI/TIM!
угаритский: snnt 'golondrina' [DLU 405]. The meaning 'swallow' is purely conjectural since the word is known only as an divine epithet in 1.17 II 27 and parallel passages: ʕrb bbth kt_rt // bnt hll snnt 'kt_rt entered his house // daughters of the light, swallows'.
еврейский (иврит): pB. sǝnūnīt 'swallow' [Ja. 1005].
арамейские: Sam. snwny 'a bird' [Tal 599].
иудейский арамейский: sǝnūnītā 'swallow' [Ja. 1006], [Levy WTM ...].
сирийский арамейский: sǝnūnītā 'hirundo' [Brock. 483], [PS 2668].
арабский: sunūnuw- (un. sunūnuwat-, sunūniyat-) 'hirondelle do- mestique' [BK 1 1147].
NOTES: All WS forms are considered Akkadisms in [Zimmern 51] which needs to be proved. Cf. Hbr. sūs 'swift' [KB 752] (Is 38.14, Jer 8.7), possibly related to the present root (*sVn- > *sVnsVn- > *sVns- > *sV̄s-). Reduplication of a biconsonantal element and the subsequent reduction to a triconsonantal C1VC2C1- pattern are quite common in Semitic whereas the loss of -n- in similar cases can be exemplified by Hbr. ʔīš 'man' < *ʔinš-, ṭīṭ 'mud' < *ṭinṭ-, Hbr. pB. sīṭ 'span' < *sinṭ- (note that Hbr. sūs has a well-established reading traditon with -ī- instead of -ū-: Qerē for Jer 8.7, Eastern Masoretic Qere for Is 38.14, sīs by Theodotion). [DLU 405]: Ugr., Akk., Arb., Syr.

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