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Семитская этимология :

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NUMBER: 2534
PROTO: *tāʔ/y-
MEANING: kind of antelope
еврейский (иврит): tǝʔō, constr. tō(ʔ) 'antelope' [KB 1673], pB. 'wild ox (?)' [Ja. 1641]. In Dt 14.5 (among wild hoofed animals allowed for food) and Is 51.20 (bānayik ʕullǝpū šākǝbū // bǝrō(ʔ)š kol-ḥūṣōt kǝtō(ʔ) mikmār 'your sons lie in faint // on any crossroad, like a t. caught in a snare'). Suggestions for a more exact faunal identification see in [Talshir 252].
тигре: tay (pl. tayatat) 'young of gazelle' [LH 320].
амхарский: (?) tǝw(w) 'small elephant' [K 994]. Semantically somewhat remote.
NOTES: Reconstruction is not very reliable since it is difficult to say what diachronic backround is behind Hbr. tǝʔō (the proto-form *tāʔ- relies on the construct state tō(ʔ)). One won- ders whether -y [-i] in tʔy [tāʔi] from the Samaritan Pentateuch may correspond to -ay in Tgr. An alternative parallel in Tgr. may be wäʔat 'cow' [LH 441] if a metathetic development *taʔaw- > *waʔat- is assumed.

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