Not quite certain, interpreted as a verbal form with the meaning 'fliegen (?)' in [Aist 4]
[KB 9, apud Guillaume] quotes ARB wabbara 'to be covered with feathers/fur'; in [BK 2 1475] only the meaning 'avoir beaucoup du poil, être très velu' is given for this verb evidently derived from wabar- 'poil du chèvre' [ibid. 1476], semantically hard to compare.
[DRS 5]: AKK, HBR, UGR, JUD, SYR; [DLU 5]: UGR, HBR, AKK, SYR; [AHw 7]: AKK, HBR, ARM; [KB 9]: HBR, ARM, AKK, ARB (wbr); [Brock 3]: SYR, JUD, HBR, AKK; [Holma 140]: AKK, HBR, SYR, ARB (wabar-, apud Vollers)
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