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Баскская этимология :

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PROTO: *ɦaseri / *a=seɦari
BZK: azagari, azeri, azari, (arc) azebari, azeari, (Arratia, Orozko, Txorierri) azegari
GIP: azeri, azari
ANV: azeri, (Larraun) azari
BNV: hazeri, (Baigorri) azeri
SAL: axari
LAB: hazeri, (Ainhoa) axari
BZT: azari
ZBR: axéri, exéri
RNC: axeri, axari
COMMENTS: Trask (1995, 1997) following Michelena (1961) derives this word from a personal name, Acenari. In this analysis that proposal is considered semantically and historically improbable, since nothing is known about the character or personality of the person designated as Acenari, that would lead to his name becoming the Bsq word for 'fox', as there is for the fictional Reynard > French renard.; furthermore the diversity of the Bsq forms indicates ancient origin, thus, in this analysis, this ancient word comes from PSC *c(V)hwōlĕ́ 'fox'.

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