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Баскская этимология :

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PROTO: *-lari / *-le
MEANING: agent suffix, suffix of profession
BZK: -lari / -la
GIP: -lari / -le
ANV: -lari / -le
BNV: -lari / -le
LAB: -lari / -le
ZBR: -lari / -le
RNC: -lari / -le
COMMENTS: These seem to be specialized developments of PSC *ŁĭwlV̆ ~ *ɫĭwŁV̆ 'male, man', parallel with Nakh: Chechen belχa-lō 'worker', etc. = Bsq. *egi-le 'doer, maker', etc. Bsq *-lari is usually lumped together with the suffix -ari, claimed to be from Latin -ārium, but this does not account for the /l/ in words such as guda-lari 'soldier' (gudu 'war'), margo-lari 'painter' (margo 'color, paint'), etc. Possibly both -ari and -lari are native Basque.

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