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Баскская этимология :

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PROTO: *tupV
MEANING: 1 barrel, cask 2 pot, kettle 3 copper
BZK: topina 2
GIP: tupi 2, tupiki 3
ANV: tupin 2
BNV: tupin, tupina 2, dupha 1, (Baigorri) dupa 1
SAL: dupa 1
LAB: tupin, tupina, tupiña 2, (Ainhoa) dupa 1
ZBR: tüpa, thüpe 1, thipíña 2
RNC: tupin 2
COMMENTS: It is difficult to sort out native words (related to PNC *ṭāpV) vs. Romance words. Trask (EDB 350) has the Bsq words “from Gasc. toupin id. or a related Rom. form. {Occ. topin id.}." According to REW (8788) it is attested in French toupu, toupon ‘top’ (toy), Swiss-French topẽ, tupẽ ‘earthen pot; cowbell’, Prov. topí, Cat. tupí ‘earthen pot’. The words are cited under the heading OHG topho ‘Kreisel; Topf’, but the author casts doubt on High German provenance on phonetic grounds. Could it not just as likely have been a Vasconic word that left traces in surrounding Rom. and Gmc. languages?

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