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Слово: "m{e|}pma{?}" | Метод запроса: Подстрока
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Слово: co:ʔco:ʔ mɛpmaʔ
Комментарии: vide mɛpmaʔ (3).
Слово: imʔim mɛpmaʔ
Комментарии: vide mɛpmaʔ (4).
Слово: iNdo: mɛpmaʔ
Комментарии: vide mɛpmaʔ (5).
Слово: mɛpmaʔ, -mɛtt-/-mɛt-/-mɛʔl
Этимология киранти: Этимология киранти
Грамматика: vt.
Значение: 1) tell someone, say to someone (takes animate patient, except in the expression kON-in pe:ni-ba:n-lam hɛn mɛ-mɛtt-u (this-ABS Nepali-language-via what nsAS-sayуto-3P) What do they say to this in Nepali, i.e. What do they call this in Nepali? 2) do unto someone; commit; 3) observe (viz. a practice); 4) imʔim mɛpmaʔ vt., wink at someone; 5) iNdo: mɛpmaʔ, n. + vt., afflict someone with an illness; 6) pho:N mɛpmaʔ kick someone; 7) apply (eg. sidha 'medicine'); 8) tho:waN yo:waN mɛpmaʔ suffer from dysentery, have to vomit and excrete diarrhoea simultaneously; 9) la:tthaʔ mɛpmaʔ (used impersonally) get better, recuperate; 10) pa:n mɛpmaʔ scold, attack (verbally), demand an explanation.
Комментарии: 1) idzige:k mɛmmɛttunni:? Don't they (viz. speakers of Pa_cthare Limbu) call this a 'knot'?; cf. pa:tma?; 3); co:ʔco:ʔ mɛpmaʔ n. + vt., (also co:ʔco:ʔ phimmaʔ, -phind-/ -phin-) observe the practice of co:ʔco:ʔ, i.e. the practice of sprinkling a bit of cooked rice onto the floor next to one's plate prior to commencement of any meal in order to feed and thereby appease any malicious spirits which might be in the house. Co:ʔco:ʔ is performed again if anyone should enter the house or be heard rustling about outside during the course of the meal, thereby possibly unwittingly escorting a malevolent ghost to dinner from outdoors; the practice of co:ʔco:ʔ is also observed when eating out of doors on the road where the risk of becoming afflicted by a so:gha, sugup or sisam is greater; the practice is meant to show deference to and placate disincarnate spirits, lest they afflict (haʔmaʔ) one of those partaking of the meal; apsānī caḍhāunu 5) this type of affliction is caused only by the jungle goddess ta:mbhuNna or the outdoor deity pa:kkhabɛn. Young children are particularly, though not exclusively, susceptible to iNdo:; ta:mbhuNnɛlle iNdo: mɛttu The jungle goddess afflicted him; pa:kkhabɛlle iNdo: mɛttaN The outdoor deity afflicted me; cf. haʔmaʔ 6) pho:N mɛttɛʔ! Kick him!; cf. tammaʔ 7); sidha mɛt-chiN-ɛʔ! (medicine apply-REF-IMP) Put some ointment on [yourself]! 8) tho:waN yo:waN mɛttaN, khɔkmɛlle syaN! I had dysentery and almost died!; cf. phi:pmaʔ 9) ciʔ la:tthaʔ mɛttaN I've gotten a little better; cf. lɔʔmaʔ (10)
Слово: ɔ:mɛpmaʔ
Комментарии: vide ɔ:mɔpmaʔ.
Слово: ɔ:mɔpmaʔ, ɔ:-mɔtt-/ɔ:-mɔt-/ɔ:-mɔʔl, ɔ:mɛpmaʔ, ɔ:-mɛtt-/ɔ:-mɛt-/ɔ:-mɛʔl
Грамматика: vt.
Значение: look at, watch.
Деривация: [< mɛpmaʔ do unto]
Слово: wamɛpmaʔ, wa-mɛtt-/wa-mɛt-/wa-mɛʔl
Грамматика: vt.
Значение: irrigate, water
Деривация: [< *wa water]
Комментарии: khe: wamɛpmaʔ po:N The potatoes must be irrigated; cf. waraNmaʔ.
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