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Entry: cɛpmaʔ, -cɛpt-/-cɛp-
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: 1) cut or chop (sa meat, siN wood, etc.); 2) (with animate patient) slaughter
Comments: 1) siN cɛpmaʔ chop wood (fell trees); cf. khɔkmaʔ 2); mɛndaʔ cɛptu He slaughtered the goat.
Entry: co:ʔco:ʔ mɛpmaʔ
Comments: vide mɛpmaʔ (3).
Entry: ɛpmaʔ, -ɛpt-/-ɛp-
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: fan away the chaff with a winnowing basket (pɔʔe:ʔl) whilst the grain lies spread out on the ground
Comments: cf. ammaʔ, ɛkmaʔ, thɔNmaʔ.
Entry: ɛpmaʔ, -ɛtt-/-ɛt-/-ɛʔl
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: 1) lock; 2) stop, bring to a halt
Comments: 2) ya:mbɔkʔin ɛttuwaN mɛbo:ksɛn He brought the work to a halt and it didn't get done.
Entry: hɛpmaʔ, -hɛr-/-hɛt-/-hɛʔl
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: vi.
Meaning: shatter, burst
Comments: laNpho:Nga hɛrɛ the football burst apart; sisa hɛʔl the bottle will shatter; phɔgʔna kɛNaN hɛʔl lo:! Hey, the lohoṭā will fall and shatter if you don't watch out!; cf. ka:kmaʔ.
Entry: imʔim mɛpmaʔ
Comments: vide mɛpmaʔ (4).
Entry: iNdo: mɛpmaʔ
Comments: vide mɛpmaʔ (5).
Entry: kɛpmaʔ, -kɛʔr-/-kɛt-/-kɛʔl
Grammar: vi.
Meaning: 1) arrive; 2) have been to a place, have gotten to a place; 3) mɛnchya kɛpmaʔ, thaNbɛn kɛpmaʔ attain adulthood, attain the age of a young lady, attain the age of a mature youth.
Comments: 1) ta:ndik lɔk agɛʔl We won't get there till tomorrow; kɔʔo: anchɛn kɛʔrɛtchige We got here yesterday; aba:Nphe:ʔo: ba:is gate: (Nep. bāis gate: the 22nd) kɛʔlɛ I'll get back to my village on the twentysecond; cf. kɛpmaʔ 2) mala:ya kɛngɛʔrɛnni:? - mɛngɛppaN Haven't you ever been to Malaysia? - No, I haven't 3) thaNbɛn kɛʔrɛ rǝcǝ He appears to have grown up into a young man; cf. cɛllɛkwa, hillikwa, kɛpmaʔ vt. (3)
Entry: kɛpmaʔ, -kɛtt-/-kɛt-/-kɛʔl
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: 1) get something or someone to a place; 2) fulfill a promise; 3) mɛnchya kɛpmaʔ, thaNbɛn kɛpmaʔ raise children into young adults.
Derivation: [dir. < kɛʔmaʔ arrive]
Comments: 1) kɛttu taʔru He got it here alright 2) kɛttuN I'll fulfil my promise 3) allɔ gɔ: kɛsaʔhaʔ gɔ: thaNbɛn mɛnchya kɛgɛttusi rǝcǝ It appears you've raised your children into young ladies and young men (i.e. I see your children are already full grown); cf. cɛllɛkwa, hillikwa, kɛpmaʔ vi. (3)
Entry: mɛpmaʔ, -mɛtt-/-mɛt-/-mɛʔl
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: 1) tell someone, say to someone (takes animate patient, except in the expression kON-in pe:ni-ba:n-lam hɛn mɛ-mɛtt-u (this-ABS Nepali-language-via what nsAS-sayуto-3P) What do they say to this in Nepali, i.e. What do they call this in Nepali? 2) do unto someone; commit; 3) observe (viz. a practice); 4) imʔim mɛpmaʔ vt., wink at someone; 5) iNdo: mɛpmaʔ, n. + vt., afflict someone with an illness; 6) pho:N mɛpmaʔ kick someone; 7) apply (eg. sidha 'medicine'); 8) tho:waN yo:waN mɛpmaʔ suffer from dysentery, have to vomit and excrete diarrhoea simultaneously; 9) la:tthaʔ mɛpmaʔ (used impersonally) get better, recuperate; 10) pa:n mɛpmaʔ scold, attack (verbally), demand an explanation.
Comments: 1) idzige:k mɛmmɛttunni:? Don't they (viz. speakers of Pa_cthare Limbu) call this a 'knot'?; cf. pa:tma?; 3); co:ʔco:ʔ mɛpmaʔ n. + vt., (also co:ʔco:ʔ phimmaʔ, -phind-/ -phin-) observe the practice of co:ʔco:ʔ, i.e. the practice of sprinkling a bit of cooked rice onto the floor next to one's plate prior to commencement of any meal in order to feed and thereby appease any malicious spirits which might be in the house. Co:ʔco:ʔ is performed again if anyone should enter the house or be heard rustling about outside during the course of the meal, thereby possibly unwittingly escorting a malevolent ghost to dinner from outdoors; the practice of co:ʔco:ʔ is also observed when eating out of doors on the road where the risk of becoming afflicted by a so:gha, sugup or sisam is greater; the practice is meant to show deference to and placate disincarnate spirits, lest they afflict (haʔmaʔ) one of those partaking of the meal; apsānī caḍhāunu 5) this type of affliction is caused only by the jungle goddess ta:mbhuNna or the outdoor deity pa:kkhabɛn. Young children are particularly, though not exclusively, susceptible to iNdo:; ta:mbhuNnɛlle iNdo: mɛttu The jungle goddess afflicted him; pa:kkhabɛlle iNdo: mɛttaN The outdoor deity afflicted me; cf. haʔmaʔ 6) pho:N mɛttɛʔ! Kick him!; cf. tammaʔ 7); sidha mɛt-chiN-ɛʔ! (medicine apply-REF-IMP) Put some ointment on [yourself]! 8) tho:waN yo:waN mɛttaN, khɔkmɛlle syaN! I had dysentery and almost died!; cf. phi:pmaʔ 9) ciʔ la:tthaʔ mɛttaN I've gotten a little better; cf. lɔʔmaʔ (10)
Entry: namphɛpmaʔ, nam-phɛtt-/nam-phɛt-/nam-phɛʔl
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: place out in the sun to dry
Derivation: [nam sun + phɛpmaʔ fetch, bring]
Comments: te:ʔl-haʔ namphɛttuNsiN I've put the clothes out in the sun to dry; nam-kɛ-bhɛtt-u-aN kɛ-he:s-w-i:? (sun-2-fetch-3P-pfG 2-dry in the sun-3P-Q) Having put it out in the sun, have you managed to get it dry yet?
Entry: nɛpmaʔ, -nɛtt-/-nɛt-/-nɛʔl
Meaning: the impendent aspectivizer: be about to, be on the verge of doing something, vide 5.3.6
Comments: sɛʔlɛ nɛʔlɛ She's about to kill me.
Entry: nɛpmaʔ, -nɛtt-/-nɛt-/-nɛʔl
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: (patient: yum 'salt') abstain from salt, i.e. be in mourning
Derivation: [dir. < naʔmaʔ abstain]
Comments: yum mɛnɛttu They are in mourning; cf. yukmaʔ (2).\x
Entry: -niNwa sɛpmaʔ, -sɛʔr-/-sɛt-/-sɛʔl
Grammar: n. + vt.
Meaning: displease, spoil the fun
Derivation: [sɛpmaʔ kill]
Comments: khɛN mǝna-re sa:rik niNwa sɛr-u (that man-ERG very satisfaction kill-3P) That man [always] spoils the fun.
Entry: ɔ:mɛpmaʔ
Comments: vide ɔ:mɔpmaʔ.
Entry: ɔ:mɔpmaʔ, ɔ:-mɔtt-/ɔ:-mɔt-/ɔ:-mɔʔl, ɔ:mɛpmaʔ, ɔ:-mɛtt-/ɔ:-mɛt-/ɔ:-mɛʔl
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: look at, watch.
Derivation: [< mɛpmaʔ do unto]
Entry: pɛpmaʔ, -pɛtt-/-pɛt-/-pɛʔl
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: drag, draw
Comments: yǝmba siNbo:N mɛ-bɛtt-u (big tree nsAS-drag-3P) They dragged the large tree; ali-:n pɛtt-u-N (furrow-ABS draw-3P-1sA) I plough a furrow.
Entry: phɛpmaʔ, -phɛtt-/-phɛt-/-phɛʔl
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: fetch (what is in view or readily available, as opposed to taʔmaʔ); bring (along a horizontal plane)
Derivation: [dir. < phɛmmaʔ come]
Comments: cf. pha:tmaʔ, taʔmaʔ, takmaʔ, thakmaʔ, yuʔmaʔ.
Entry: phɛpmaʔ, -phɛtt-/-phɛt-/-phɛʔl
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: squeeze; press, depress with one's hand, hold down with one's hand
Comments: cf. cɔmmaʔ, immaʔ, pɔNmaʔ, phɛNmaʔ, phimmaʔ (2),\x phipmaʔ.
Entry: sɛpmaʔ, -sɛʔr-/-sɛt-/-sɛʔl
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: kill, extinguish
Derivation: [dir. < simaʔ die] [?]
Comments: maʔyu sɛt-che pe:g-i (bear kill-SUP go-p/ADH) Let's go bear hunting!; sɛʔlɛ nɛʔlɛ She's about ready to kill me; cf. niNwa sɛpmaʔ, sɛtmaʔ.
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