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Entry: "i:ma{?}" | Query method: Match substring
Total of 14 records
Entry: hi:maʔ, -hi:r-/-hi:-
Grammar: vi.
Meaning: vide -niNwa hi:maʔ (vi.).
Entry: hi:maʔ, -hi:s-/-hi:-
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: 1) turn about, head off and divert, make someone or some animal go in the other direction, turn someone or some animal around 2) pa:n hi:maʔ make a parry (in speech), talk back, be sassy, smart or impertinent; 3) niNwa hi:maʔ, -hi:s-/-hi:-
Comments: 1) mɛndaʔ hisuN I turned the goat around (i.e., I made it go the other way) 2) pa:nle (word-INST) hi:maʔ retort; pa:nle hi:suN I retorted 3) vide -niNwa hi:maʔ (vt.).
Entry: i:maʔ, -i:r-/-i:-
Grammar: vi.
Meaning: wander, loiter, stroll about, (of birds) fly about aimlessly
Comments: mɔyahaʔ mɛʔi:yaN mɛya:k The vultures are circling about overhead; vide -niNwa i:maʔ; cf. i:maʔ.
Entry: i:maʔ, -i:s-/-i:-
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: cause to wander about, cause to roam about; roll something about, cause something to roll to and fro
Derivation: [caus. < i:maʔ wander about]
Comments: waʔhaʔ i:sumsimbe We had the chickens roam about; mɛndaʔhaʔ i:suNsiN I wandered the goats about; mɛʔi:saN They showed me around.
Entry: ki:maʔ, -ki:r-/-ki:-
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: vi.
Meaning: decompose, rot, putrefy
Comments: cf. ki:mmaʔ.
Entry: -niNwa hi:maʔ, -hi:r-/-hi:-
Grammar: vi.
Meaning: be convinced, change one's mind
Comments: kuniNwa hi:rɛ He's changes his mind; cf. niNwa hi:maʔ.
Entry: -niNwa hi:maʔ, -hi:s-/-hi:-
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: convince someone, get someone to change his mind (eg. by repeating a mantra with concentrated effort or by more conventional means).
Derivation: [caus. < niNwa hi:maʔ change one's mind]
Entry: -niNwa i:maʔ, -i:r-/-i:-
Grammar: n. + vi.
Meaning: become dizzy, become faint
Derivation: [i:maʔ wander]
Comments: aniNwa i:rɛaN kɛNaN; I became dizzy and fell; kɛniNwa i:rɛi:? Did you get dizzy?
Entry: -niNwa i:maʔ, -i:s-/-i:-
Grammar: n. + vt.
Meaning: make dizzy, make one's head spin
Derivation: [i:maʔ cause to wander]
Comments: yǝllik thuN-my-aN niNwa i:s-u (much drink-INF-pfG mind make spin-3P) Having drunk much, it made him dizzy.
Entry: pa:mbi:maʔ, pa:n-pi:r/pa:n-pi:-
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: invite someone
Derivation: [pa:n word + pi:maʔ give]
Comments: pa:mmɛbi:raN They invited me.
Entry: pa:n hi:maʔ
Comments: vide hi:maʔ.
Entry: pi:maʔ, -pi:r-/-pi:-
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: 1) give to someone, endow (patient: beneficiary, not object given); 2) allow, permit
Comments: 2) timmǝk kɔpmaʔ kɛmbi:rinni:? Don't they [viz. the local authorities] permit you to have rifles?; cf. pha:kmaʔ.
Entry: phi:maʔ, -phi:r-/-phi:-
Grammar: vi.
Meaning: grow thin
Comments: ku-sappo:k-ʔin phi:r-ɛ (his-stomach-ABS grow thin-PT) He's gotten thin; mɛn-nu-ba kudza-:n kɛ-dzɔ gɔrɔ kɛ-bhi:ʔl, kɛ-n-dzɔ-nɛn gɔrɔ kɛ-bhi: (NEG-good food-ABS 2-eat if 2-have diarrhoea, 2-NEG-eat-NEG if 2-grow thin) If you eat bad food you'll get diarrhoea, if you don't eat you'll get thin; cf. phi:maʔ.
Entry: phi:maʔ, -phi:s-/-phi:-
Grammar: vt.
Meaning: 1) cause to grow thin, let grown thin; 2) deflate
Derivation: [caus. < phi:maʔ grow thin]
Comments: 1) sappo:k-ʔin kɛ-bhi:s-u (stomach-ABS 2-let get thin-3P) You're letting yourself get thin 2) laNpho:Nga phi:suN I deflated the football.
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