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Словарь лимбу :

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Слово: "ha{?}luN" | Метод запроса: Подстрока
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Слово: haʔluN
Грамматика: n.
Значение: one of three long rectangular-prismatic stones buried upright in a circle within the domestic Limbu fireplace, about one-fifth of the actual length protruding above ground and providing the points of support for the karʔhi or wok when cooking
Деривация: [ha tooth + luN stone]
Комментарии: soot of the haʔluN may be used to annoint the forehead in order to ward off evil spirits during nighttime outings or nocturnal forays; children may anoint themselves with haʔluN-soot even during the day; cf. sumhaʔluN; see illustration under migho:mbe:, p. 469.
Слово: sumhaʔluN
Грамматика: n.
Значение: the configuration of three equidistant haʔluN (q.v.) constituting the traditional Limbu indoor fireplace.
Деривация: [< sum three]
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