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Слово: "hi{?}" | Метод запроса: Подстрока
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Слово: hiʔ
Грамматика: n.
Значение: chaff, Nep. bhus.
Слово: hiʔe:maʔ, hi-e:s-/hi-e:-
Этимология киранти: Этимология киранти
Грамматика: vt.
Значение: shit, defaecate
Комментарии: cf. hiʔe:tmaʔ.
Слово: hiʔe:tmaʔ, hi-e:tt-/hi-e:t-/hi-e:ʔl
Грамматика: vt.
Значение: shit on something or someone
Деривация: [dir. < hiʔe:maʔ shit]
Комментарии: ku-mik-ʔin pu-lle hiʔe:tt-u (his-eye-ABS bird-ERG shit-3P) The bird shit in his eye; ku-de:ʔl-o: hiʔe:ttu (his-clothes-LOC shit-3P) He shit himself; kɛ-yukna-:n hi-gɛ-e:tt-w-i:? (your-seat-ABS shit-2-shit-3P-Q) Did you shit on your chair?
Слово: kuhiʔ
Комментарии: vide hiʔ.
Слово: phiʔco:ʔ
Грамматика: n.
Значение: falcon.
Слово: phiʔmaʔ, -phiʔr-/-phiʔ-
Грамматика: vt.
Значение: dent
Деривация: [caus. < piʔmaʔ dent]
Комментарии: mɛbhiʔru They dented it.
Слово: phipmaʔ, -phitt-/-phit-/-phiʔl
Грамматика: vt.
Значение: 1) pinch; 2) (with huk hands) press one's hands between one's thighs or under one's armpits (eg. for warmth)
Деривация: [dir. < phimmaʔ squeeze]
Комментарии: 1) khɛbɔkle kɛbhiʔl The crab will pinch you; cf. ke:pmaʔ 2) ahuk phittuN I'm putting my hands in my armpits; cf. cɔmmaʔ, immaʔ, phɛNmaʔ, phɛpmaʔ, phimmaʔ.
Слово: sahiʔl
Грамматика: adj.
Значение: azure, blue, the colour of the Tamor river near Tamphulā in the dry season (overlaps with kuhikla to include green and gold)
Комментарии: cf. ɔmdaNba and kuhikla.
Слово: thiʔmaʔ, -thiʔr-/-thiʔ-
Грамматика: vt.
Значение: 1) infect someone with one's bad habits; 2) afflict by ingestion of taboo body parts of animals
Комментарии: 1) yaNsarumbɛ-lle kɛ-dhiʔr-ɛ rǝcǝ (third born-ERG 2-infect-PT DEPR) It seems you've picked up some of third-born's bad habits 2) hɛndzaʔbitcha-re waʔ-re ku-laN ca-m: mɛ-nu-nɛn hɛnaNbhɛlle adhiʔ. waʔ-re ku-lso:ʔl, phak-rɛ-n, mɛndaʔrɛ-n-naN ca-m: mɛ-nu-nɛn. ku-lap, nɛsik, ku-mi, nɛghɔ. (children-ERG chicken-GEN its-claw eat-INF NEG-be alright-NEG because 1-afflict. chicken-GEN its-tongue, pig-GEN-ABS, goat-GEN-ABS-too eat-INF NEG-be alright-NEG. its-wing, brain, its-tail, nose.) It is not good for children to eat the claw of a chicken because it will afflict you. It is also not good to eat the tongue of a chicken, a pig or a goat. The wing, the brain, the tail, the nose.; It is held that: (a) ingestion of a chicken's claw or wing by a child will cause illegible handwriting, poor penmanship and manual co-ordination, (b) ingestion of an animal's tongue by a child may result in some sort of speech defect or peculiar speech habit, (c) ingestion of the brain will cause the child's thinking to become like the animal's whose brain it has eaten with the obvious resultant mental impairment, (d) ingestion of the tail will afflict the child with superfluous swaying movements in his gait and gestures and, especially in later life, in the comportment of his head, (e) ingestion of an animal's ears will afflict the child with uncontrollable and often ungrounded fears in later life and a general disposition to paranoia; waʔ-re ku-laN-ille thiʔr-u (chicken-GEN its-claw-ERG afflict-3P) He's been afflicted by a chicken's claw.
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