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Синотибетская этимология :

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Прасинотибетский: *sVr (?)
Значение: thread
Китайский: 線 *s[a]rs thread.
Тибетский: sran-bu thread, yarn.
Комментарии: Luce 61. Hsieh-sheng and the Sino-Viet. form tuyến suggest rather an OCh. form like *sors, which would normally yield MCh. sjwèn, in which case loss of labialisation in MCh would be secondary. On the other hand, the Sino-Viet. form can go back to a dialectal MCh. sjwèn with secondary labialisation on analogy with 泉 (MCh ʒjwen, q.v.). The choice between OCh. *sars and *sors is thus not quite clear. Cf. Austric: PAA *sVr 'to thread', PAN *SuRSuR.

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