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Синотибетская этимология :

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Прасинотибетский: *t[i]l
Синокавказская этимология: Синокавказская этимология
Значение: egg, testicle
Китайский: 蚳 *d(h)rǝj ( ~ -ij) ant's egg (?)
Тибетский: thul egg, testicle
Лушей: til testicles and scrotum, KC *til
Лепча: a-thol testicle
Комментарии: STEDT 107-110 *[td]il ~ [td]ul. The word is probably different from *t[u]j, but actively contaminating. The OC form (rather dubious) is related to *t[u]j in STEDT, but it is rather related to t[i]l (if it is related at all). One also wonders if the local root *[n/s]-tow 'egg' reflected in Idu, Qiang and some Lolo languages (STEDT 114-115; note also the "rootlet" *du 'brood, incubate', STEDT 132, reflected only in Tamang and Thakali) does not in fact reflect *t[u]l.

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