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Уральская этимология :

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MEANING: humid, damp, wet
GERMMEAN: feucht, nass
MAR: ile (B) 'feucht, naß; roh', iĺe (P B M), d́iĺe (MK) 'feucht, naß'
UDM: i̮ĺ (S), ǝ̑ĺ 'roh, frisch; feucht, naß', ị̑ĺ (G), i̮ĺ (J)
KOM: uĺ (S P) 'feucht', u̇ĺ (PO) 'feucht, frisch, roh'
MAN: iĺ jiw (N) 'nasser Baum', iĺ (P), il (N) 'Saft'
RESHET: The Mar. word may be an Udmurt loan. Some arguments in favour of this hypothesis were suggested by Bereczki (Bereczki 115), although none of them is persuasive. First of all, Bereczki is mistaken affirming that according to V.I. Lytkin, the vocal reconstructed for Permic *Vl' is *u (which can't correspond to Mar. i) - it is just a palatal vocal like *ü that was supposed for this word by Lytkin (with data of some South-West Udmurt dialects in mind), see ИВПЯ 221. Contrary to Rédei, OU *jĭl-ǝp 'new, fresh' belongs here and is not related to the Uralic verb */e/l/ä/- 'to live' (URAET 134). On the other hand, Rédei is likely to be wrong linking the Permic and Mari words to Mansi P il', N il 'juice', N il' in il' jiw 'damp tree' - these Mansi forms are apparently identic with reflexes of Mansi *ü̆l' 'Baumsplint' (see URAET 40).
LIT: КЭСКЯ; Paas. Beitr. 46-47; ИВПЯ 221

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