Number: 82
Proto: *ćutte
English meaning: knuckle bone
German meaning: Knöchelbein
Saam (Lapp): čutta 'talus; Knöchelbein', tjuhttā (L) 'Knöchel, Gelenkhöcker; Sprungbein' ?
Hungarian: csont 'Knochen, Bein' ?
K. Reshetnikov's notes: A comparison of few forms reflecting Lapp. *c'uttā 'ankle etc.' (see LAPET 41) with Hun. csont 'bone', not persuasive phonetically (Lapp. *-tt- ~ Hun. -nt) and rejected by me (Hun. csont probably to *c'olme 'knot' - see URAET 68, UGRET 60).
References: Bár.SzófSz; EtSz; TESz