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Енисейская этимология :

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Праенисейский: *bat(t)-
Синокавказская этимология: Синокавказская этимология
Значение: face
Кетский: bāt / battat5 (South.); Imb. battat5, pl. battatǝŋ6, battarǝŋ6
Югский: ba:t "face", battat5, pl. battatɨŋ5 "muzzle, face"
Примечания: ССЕ 207. Werner 1, 107, 109, evidently undecided whether the word is borrowed from Turkic (as suggested in Stachowski 1997/2, 230 - and, I think, quite dubious for phonetic reasons) or genuine, with the reconstruction <*baʔǝtǝ / *bagǝt>. The first of these two forms would correspond to *bāt in our reconstruction and is not supported by any evidence (a form like Yug ba:ht4 would be required); the second could be interpreted as *baʔat or *baGat and is derived from the Yug variant ba:t3. It is not yet clear whether we should more rely on the Ket form bāt, or on the Yug form ba:t3. The compound battat is treated by Werner as bat 'face' (this time for some reason in the shape baʔt2) + aʔt 'bone'; this is possible, but the body part suffix *-Vʒ is also not excluded - because of a lack of a corresponding Kottish form.

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