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Енисейская этимология :

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Праенисейский: *ta- / *tɔ(t)-
Синокавказская этимология: Синокавказская этимология
Значение: naked; barefooted; bald
Кетский: tɔńɔĺ5, pl. -ǝŋ5 'naked'; tabuĺaŋ6 'barefoot'; tɔtpuĺ5, pl. -ǝŋ5 'bald'
Югский: tɔńɔl5, pl. -ɨŋ5 'naked'; tafɨlɨŋ6 'barefoot'; (Werner 2, 282) tɔʔl 'bald'
Коттский: thapalō 'naked'
Примечания: ССЕ 280. Yug has an assimilative devoicing (as in xɔfat 'back' vs. Ket qɔbǝt). Despite Werner's (2, 248) doubts we obviously have a combination of the root *ta- / *tɔ- with various second components. The most transparent combination is *ta + *bul 'foot', whence Ket tabuĺaŋ, Yug tafɨlɨŋ 'barefoot' and probably Kott. thapalo (with further semantic development 'barefoot' > 'naked'). The meaning of the components -(t)puĺ in Ket tɔtpuĺ 'bald' and -ńɔl in Ket tɔńɔĺ 'naked' is so far unclear; Werner's hypothesis that tɔńǝĺ is a compound of tɔʔn 'so, simply' + ɔʔl 'shell' is hardly acceptable - just because the meaning 'simply' is not attested for tɔʔn (which is just an adverbial form of the demonstrative pronoun).

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