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Austro-Asiatic etymology :

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Proto-Austro-Asiatic: mVl
Meaning: silver
Proto-Palaungic: WA *maɨ
Proto-Khmu: *mu:l
Proto-Austro-Asiatic: mVl
Meaning: round
Austric etymology: Austric etymology
Thai: mon.A round
Khmer: mul CHE
Proto-Palaungic: *mǝul
Proto-Austro-Asiatic: mVl
Meaning: to roll
Khmer: rǝmiǝl
Proto-Palaungic: Pr mak me
Proto-Khmu: *mel
Proto-Austro-Asiatic: mVm
Meaning: thick
Thai: man.A oily CK
Khmer: krǝmam
Proto-Austro-Asiatic: mVm
Meaning: bud
Thai: tum.A bud CK
Khmer: krǝbum, krǝmum < OK klǝmum, klǝwom
Proto-Austro-Asiatic: mVm
Meaning: corner
Austric etymology: Austric etymology
Thai: mum.A angle, corner
Proto-Bahnaric: *mo:m
Khmer: mum < OK mum
Proto-Khmu: ThK mo:m
Proto-Austro-Asiatic: mVm
Meaning: fish paste
Proto-Bahnaric: *man
Khmer: m]ɔ:ṃ < ? Vn
Proto-Austro-Asiatic: mV(m)
Meaning: breast
Proto-Vietic: MYO mem.3
Proto-Palaungic: Yongde mɛ.51
Proto-Aslian: SMI mɛ:m
Proto-Austro-Asiatic: mVn
Meaning: tooth
Austric etymology: Austric etymology
Khmer: dhmǝ:ń
Proto-Aslian: *lǝmɔń
Proto-Austro-Asiatic: mVn
Meaning: tight
Khmer: muǝn
Proto-Austro-Asiatic: mVn
Meaning: no, negative
Khmer: man
Proto-Vietic: PHO nɔ.24 mɛ:n.42
Proto-Palaungic: *mV-
Proto-Austro-Asiatic: mVn, mVŋ
Meaning: bird
Proto-Bahnaric: NB *mo:ŋ
Khmer: man < OK man
Proto-Austro-Asiatic: mVn, mVŋ
Meaning: plum
Proto-Bahnaric: *muan
Khmer: miǝŋ E?
Proto-Austro-Asiatic: mVŋ
Meaning: gnat, fly
Proto-Bahnaric: CHR rǝmoŋ
Khmer: mǝmuŋ
Proto-Monic: TP mɔŋ=mɔŋ.2
Proto-Palaungic: Pr maiŋ.B
Proto-Austro-Asiatic: mVŋ
Meaning: deer
Austric etymology: Austric etymology
Thai: lǝmaŋ.C C. eldi
Khmer: rǝmaŋ < OK rma:ŋ, rǝma:ŋ
Proto-Monic: *maŋ
References: S-314
Proto-Austro-Asiatic: mVŋ
Meaning: gong
Austric etymology: Austric etymology
Thai: mo:ŋ.A small gong
Proto-Monic: M maoŋ
Proto-Palaungic: Pl mɔŋ
Proto-Austro-Asiatic: mVŋ
Meaning: child
Khmer: kmǝ:ŋ < OK meŋ, mjaŋ
Proto-Austro-Asiatic: mVŋ
Meaning: stick
Proto-Bahnaric: PSBB *mǝŋ
Khmer: maoŋ
Proto-Monic: M damaŋ, thamɛŋ
Proto-Austro-Asiatic: mVŋ
Meaning: borrow
Proto-Katuic: *ma:ń
Proto-Bahnaric: NB *mVŋ
References: Sid
Proto-Austro-Asiatic: mVŋ
Meaning: town
Austric etymology: Austric etymology
Thai: mɨaŋ.A city, country
Proto-Monic: M kama:ŋ
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