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Bahnar etymology :

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Proto-Bahnaric: *ńɔ̆ŋ /*ńǝ̆ŋ
Meaning: relatives
Bahnar: ʔńɔŋ
Bahnar meaning: older brother
Proto-North Bahnaric: SED ńɔŋ.T
Proto-Northwest-Bahnaric: *ńɨŋ
References: PNB-142
Proto-Bahnaric: *nɔ:k
Meaning: feather
Proto-South Bahnaric: *nɔ:k, sǝ- or *s<ǝn>ɔ:k
Proto-Bahnaric: *nɔ:l
Meaning: groin
Proto-South Bahnaric: *nɔ:l, #/gǝ-
Proto-Bahnaric: *nɔ:ŋ
Meaning: back
Proto-West Bahnaric: *nɔ:ŋ, kǝ-
Proto-Bahnaric: *ńɔ:ŋ
Meaning: necklace
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Proto-South Bahnaric: *ńɔ:ŋ
Proto-Bahnaric: *ńɔ:ŋ
Meaning: don't
Proto-West Bahnaric: *ńɔ:ŋ, ʔǝ-/#
Proto-Bahnaric: *nɔ:ŋ
Meaning: carry, hold
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Bahnar: ʔǝnɔ:ŋ
Bahnar meaning: carry by pole on shoulder V*nɔ:ŋ, ʔǝ- Vcarry VSBS-442 VrVt Wtar W*răt WkǝN- Wwake, be startled Wcf. 1608 Wkǝdrat Wbe startled, frightened W*rat.T, kǝ- Wwake up WE-MN ndrat be startled W*rǝt, kǝn-dǝ- Wstartle, frightened (of animals) WSPT, SBS-819 WrVt Xto:r X*ro:t Xshrink, contract, hunch up XK3534 X*ro:t Xshrink, contract, hunch up X*ro:t, kǝN- Xshrink, contract, hunch up Xharo:t Xshrink, contract, hunch up XTB17.448 XA possible borrowing from Katuic XrVt Ytǝr Y*rǝt Ytermite Y*rǝt, kǝ- Ytermite YrVt Ztǝ:r Z*rǝ:t Zthreaten Z*rɨ:t, pǝ- Zthreaten ZrVt [tu:r [*ru:t [strip off (leaves) [cf. 188 [*ru:t, sǝ- [strip off (leaves) [rVt \tuar \*ruat \knead, massage \*ruat, Pǝ- \knead, massage \rVt ]te:r ]*re:t ]tie around ]cf. 1620 ]*re:t, pǝ-/tǝ- ]tie around ]rVt ̂te:r ̂*re:t ̂recede (of water level) ̂K1079 ̂*rɛ:t, hǝ- ̂recede (of water level) ̂A possible borrowing from Katuic ̂rVw _wǝr _*rVw _Cǝ- _widow(er) _ʔǝdrɔ: _widow, widower _*rV(w), Cǝ- _widow _*raw, nǝ- _widow(er) _SBS-256 _rVw `war `*răw `Cǝ- `announce, call `cf. 1047 `ʒrew `to yell `SED hǝdrɔ.T announce LOAN `*raw, CǝN- `call `*raw, bǝ- `sing, call `*raw, bǝ- `cry of an animal `JS-273, TB1.53 `rVq aquǝr a*ruǝ akǝ- aweep, cry acf. 1047 a*ro.L, kǝ- aweep, cry aPNB-524, SBS-828 arVw bwa:r b*ra:w bkǝ- bcall bcf. 1631 bkra:w bcall b*ra:w.T, kǝ- bcall bBRAO hǝra:w to shout bPNB-443, SPT brVw cwar c*răw cmeat c*raw, tǝ- cmeat crVw dwa:r d*ra:w dmedicine dcf. 1636 dSED rew.T dpoison d*ra:w, ʒǝ- / *rǝ:w, ʒǝ- dmedicine dBRAO ʒra:w medicine dJS-132 dPChamic *ʒrãw "medicine" (TH-357) drVw ewar e*raw ekǝ- epoison fish ecf. 1635 ekrǝw V? eto poison fish; kǝndrɔw anything used to poison fish e*raw, kǝ- eto poison fish eNHA kro:, kraw poison e*raw, kǝ- eto poison fish eJS-274, TB17.269 erVw fwǝr f*rǝ̆w fpigeon f*raw.L, tǝ- fpigeon frVw gwar g*răw gtǝN-/tǝ- gsix gtǝdrǝw gsix g*raw.T, tǝN- gsix g*raw, pǝ- gsix g*raw, tǝ- gsix g*raw, tǝ- gsix gPNB-432, JS-276, TB11.7 grVw hwar h*răw htǝ- htaro h*raw, tǝ- htaro h*raw, tǝ- htaro hbu:m traw htaro hNWB and HAR forms may be borrowed from Katuic hrVw iwa:r i*ra:w i# iwash icf. 1096 ihra:w ito wash rice i*ra:w.T ito wash i*ra:w iwash i*ra:w iwash i*ra:w, hǝ- iwash (hands, things) ira:w iwash (hands, things) iJS-130, TB17.389 iPChamic *raw "wash" (TH-329) irVw jwiar j*riaw jkǝ- jcastrate jkrew jcastrate j*riǝw, kǝ- jcastrate j*riaw, kǝ- jcastrate jSBS-390 jSome forms may be borrowed from KMR kriǝw "castrate"; PChamic *kriãw "castrate" (TH-358) jrVw kwar k*răw kcicada kSED hǝdrɔ.T kcicada LOAN? k*raw, Pǝ- kcicada krVw lwa:r l*ra:w lcoconut lcf. 1255 l*ra:w, bǝ- lcoconut l*ra:w, bǝ- lcoconut lbrabra:w lcoconut lTB3.38 lA borrowing from a Zhuang-Tai language lrVw mwar m*răw mcambium, inner bark m*raw, cǝ-/Hǝ- mcambium, inner bark mrVw nwe:r n*re:w nsmall bell nK3536 n*re:w nsmall bell nA borrowing from Katuic nrVŋ oŋa:r o*ra:ŋ olook for, hunt o*rV:ŋ.T olook for, hunt o*ra:ŋ / *rǝ:ŋ olook at, watch oJS-96 orVŋ pŋiar p*riaŋ pdrinking straw ptreŋ V? preed used to drink wine p*re:ŋ.T pdrinking straw pPNB-148 prVŋ qŋiar q*riaŋ qthirsty q*riǝŋ qthirsty qTampuon hrɛ:ŋ tiak thirsty qJS-331 qrVŋ rŋar r*răŋ rfinger, toe rhǝdraŋ rfinger, toe (not in D) r*raŋ.T, hǝC- rfinger, toe rPNB-137 rrVŋ sŋi:r s*riǝŋ skǝ- shornbill sK3802 skri:ŋ shornbill s*re:ŋ.L shornbill s*ri:ŋ, kǝ- shornbill sSBS-287 srVŋ tŋɔ:r t*rɔ:ŋ traise animals tK3561 trɔ:ŋ traise animals t*rɔ:ŋ traise, look after tSBS-445 tA local word ? trVŋ uŋe:r u*re:ŋ / *ri:ŋ uCǝ- urust ucf. 1666 ubre:ŋ urust uREN bre:ŋ.L rust < BAH? u*ri:ŋ, Hǝ- urust urVŋ vŋar v*răŋ varrow vcf. 1664 v*raŋ.T varrow v*raŋ, dǝ-/tǝ- varrow vJS-239 vrVŋ wŋa:r w*ra:ŋ wclam w*ra:ŋ, kǝ- wclam wPChamic *kra:ŋ "clam, shellfish" (TH-340); Malay keraŋ clam wrVŋ xŋi:r x*ri:ŋ xvillage xtǝri:ŋ xa group of villages x*ri:ŋ.L, tǝ- xvillage xPNB-108 xrVŋ yŋVr y*rǝ:ŋ yjealous ycf. 301 y*re:ŋ.L yjealous, envious ySTI gra:ŋ to protect (as a hen) V? yrVŋ zŋuǝr z*ruǝŋ /*rɔ:ŋ ztǝ- zpour zcf. 1711 ztri:ŋ zpour liquid into smth.small z*ru:ŋ, tǝ- zspill, pour z*rɔ:ŋ, pǝ- zpour into a container ztrɔ:ŋ zpour into a container zSBS-615 zrVŋ {ŋar {*răŋ {#/pǝ- {run {raŋ {flee from coming disaster {*raŋ, pǝ- {run {SBS-215 {rVŋ |ŋa:r |*ra:ŋ |cǝ- |sieve |SED kǝreaŋ.T |basket, strainer or sieve |*ra(:)ŋ, ʔǝ- |sieve |WB forms may be borrowed from Katuic |rVŋ }ŋa:r }*ra:ŋ }beam, rafter }rɛ:ŋ V? }rafter }*ra:ŋ, pǝ- }beam, rafter }*ra:ŋ, pǝ- }roof beams; ladder, stairs; bridge }para:ŋ }roof beams; ladder, stairs; bridge }TB8.27 }rVŋ ̃ŋɔ:r ̃*rɔ:ŋ ̃matter, story ̃tǝdrɔ:ŋ ̃thing, story, matter ̃*ro:ŋ.T, tǝ- ̃matter, story ̃PNB-171 ̃rVŋ ŋa:r *ra:ŋ #/Hǝ- flower *ra:ŋ.T flower *ra:ŋ, Hǝ- flower, blossom TB4.11 rVŋ Аŋɔr А*rɔ̆ŋ АCǝ- Аspike Аcf. 1693, 1653 АK749 Аhrɔŋ Аspike (not in D) А*roŋ.T, sǝ- Аspike А*rɔŋ, cǝ- Аspear А*rɔŋ, pǝ- Аrafters АPNB-141 АSome forms may be borrowed from Katuic АrVŋ Бŋer Б*reŋ Бtogether Б*rɛŋ, ʔǝ(N)- Бtogether БrVŋ Вŋi:r В*ri:ŋ Вwax Вcf. 1652 ВK1629 В*ri:ŋ, ʒǝ- Вwax ВA possible borrowing from Katuic ВrVŋ Гŋu:r Г*ru:ŋ Гtǝ- Гroad Гcf. 1669 Г*ru:ŋ, tǝ- Гroad Гmay be borrowed from Katuic ГrVŋ Дŋiar Д*riaŋ Дsǝ- Дdry Дcf. 1669 Дsreŋ, hreŋ Дdry Д*ri:ŋ.T, sǝ- Дdry ДrVŋ Еŋar Е*răŋ Еsǝ- Еdry, withered Еcf. 1668, 1671 Е*raŋ, sǝ- Еdry ЕJS-243 ЕA possible borrowing from Katuic ЕrVŋ Жŋiar Ж*rǝ̆ŋ / *riǝŋ Жdry, fry Жcf. 1668, 1669 Ж*rǝŋ, ʒǝ- Жsmoke or roast over an open fire Ж*riaŋ, sǝ- Жto pan fry ЖrVŋ Зŋar З*răŋ З#/pǝ- Зdry (weather) Зcf. 1669 Зpraŋ Зclear sky, no rain З*raŋ.T Зdry З*raŋ, pǝ- Зsunny, dry З*raŋ, pǝ- Зdry (season) З*raŋ, pǝ- Зdry (of the weather) Зraŋ Зsunlight, dry (of the weather) ЗPNB-128, SBS-214, TB16.174 ЗrVŋ Иŋar И*răŋ Иmale, man И*raŋ.T, kǝN- Иmale, man ИrVŋ Йŋar Й*răŋ Йbǝ- Йblack Й*r[a]ŋ.T, bǝ- Йblack Й*raŋ, bǝ- Йsoot, lampblack Й*raŋ, bǝ- Йsoot, lampblack Йbaraŋ Йsoot, lampblack, deserted cobweb ЙTB1.54 ЙrVŋ Кŋar К*răŋ Кstraight К*raŋ.T, Cǝn- Кstraight КrVŋ Лŋuar Л*ruaŋ Лhigh, long Лcf. 230 Л*r[uǝ]ŋ, ʒǝ- Лhigh, tall Лchro:ŋ (A) Лlong ЛSPT, JS-702 ЛrVŋ Мŋiar М*riaŋ МCǝ- Мtooth М
Proto-South Bahnaric: *re:t
Proto-Bahnaric: *ńuʔ
Meaning: drink
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Bahnar: ńaʔ V?
Bahnar meaning: drink (water)
Proto-West Bahnaric: *ńuʔ
Proto-Bahnaric: *nua
Meaning: placenta
Proto-West Bahnaric: *nuǝ, pǝ- / *p<ǝn>uǝ
Proto-Bahnaric: *ńuaʔ
Meaning: trick, cheat
Proto-West Bahnaric: *[ń]uǝʔ
Proto-Bahnaric: *nuaj
Meaning: waist, kidney
Proto-West Bahnaric: *nuaj, tǝ-
Proto-Bahnaric: *ńuak
Meaning: necklace
Cua: ʔńuk necklace
References: JS-741
Proto-Bahnaric: *ńual
Meaning: lizard
Presyllable: bǝ-
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Bahnar: bǝńual
Bahnar meaning: type of anteater
Proto-North Bahnaric: *ńol.T, mǝ-
Proto-South Bahnaric: *ńuǝl, bǝr-
Proto-West Bahnaric: *ń[uǝ]l, Pǝ-
Cua: ʔǝńa:lh monitor
References: SPT, JS-688
Proto-Bahnaric: *nuam
Meaning: back basket
Proto-Northwest-Bahnaric: *nuǝm, Hǝ-
Proto-Bahnaric: *nuar
Meaning: before
Proto-West Bahnaric: *nuar
References: JS-488
Proto-Bahnaric: *nuar
Meaning: hook end of a bir
Proto-Northwest-Bahnaric: *nu:r, pǝ- or *p<ǝn>u:r
Proto-Bahnaric: *nuǝjh
Meaning: heart
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Bahnar: nu:jh
Bahnar meaning: heart
Proto-North Bahnaric: *n[u:]jh
Proto-South Bahnaric: *nu:jh
Proto-Northwest-Bahnaric: *liam nɔ:jh V?
References: JS-492
Proto-Bahnaric: *nuh
Meaning: pine tree
Proto-North Bahnaric: *nuh.L, Cǝ-
Proto-Bahnaric: *nuh
Meaning: poor
Bahnar: dǝnuh
Bahnar meaning: poor
Proto-North Bahnaric: *nuh.L, dǝ- or *d<ǝn>uh.L ыpoor ыPNB-346 ыtVh ьhet ь*teh ьparasitic plants ь*tɛh ьparasitic plants ьtVh эhoD э*Doh эfall down, fall over эK795 э*doh, kǝ- эfall down, fall over эA local word? эtVh юhuD ю*Duh юbamboo, k. o. юK785 ю*duh, pǝ- юbamboo, k. o. юA local word? юtVh яhaD я*Dah яplant яK4457 я*dah, pǝN- яto plant (seeds) яndah яto plant (seeds) яA possible borrowing from Katuic яtVh ɵhǝt ɵ*tǝh ɵchest ɵcf. 1756 ɵ*tǝh, kǝ- ɵchest ɵkatɔh ɵchest ɵtVh ūhaD ū*Dah ūfrying pan ū*dah, kǝ- ūfrying pan ū*dah, CǝN- ūfrying pan, cooking pot ūkadah ? < W ūfrying pan, cooking pot ūTB8.10 ūA possible borrowing from Katuic ūtVh ühet ü*teh üsilent, quiet ü*tɛh, Cǝ- üsilent, quiet ütVh ǖhet ǖ*teh ǖ# ǖpick off ǖ*tɛh ǖpick off ǖA possible borrowing from Katuic ǖtVh ǝhet ǝ*teh ǝgo fishing ǝYH teh go fishing ǝteh ǝgo fishing ǝtVj ǝ̄jɔ:D ǝ̄*Dɔ:j ǝ̄tell ǝ̄*do:j.T ǝ̄to tell ǝ̄tVj ̌jo:t ̌*to:j ̌follow ̌*to:j ̌follow ̌A possible borrowing from KMR: KMR ṭaoj < OK toj "to follow" ̌tVj ʷja:D ʷ*Da:j ʷfence, small house ʷ*da:j, bǝ-/pǝN- ʷfence, small house ʷtVj ɦju:D ɦ*Du:j ɦdraw up, pull ɦ*du:j.L ɦpull ɦKöho duj pull draw V? ɦdu:j pull ɦSBS-642 ɦtVj χjǝ:d χ*dǝ:j / *dǝ̆j χpǝ- χrest χpǝdǝ:j χto rest χ*daj.L, pǝ- χto rest χPNB-453 χtVj ʒja:D ʒ*Da:j ʒtwig, branch ʒ*da:j, #/Cǝn- ʒtwig, branch ʒtVj ǯjɨ:t ǯ*tɨ:j ǯbe an orphan ǯK1470 ǯ*tɨ:j, #/pǝ- ǯbe an orphan ǯA possible borrowing from Katuic ǯtVj žju:t ž*tu:j žcarry ž*tu:j žcarry žtu:j žcarry žtVj ʔjǝ:D ʔ*Dǝ:j ʔput on (lower garments) ʔK1583 ʔ*dǝ:j, #/ʔǝ- ʔput on (lower garments) ʔdʔǝ:j ʔput on (lower garments) ʔA possible borrowing from Katuic ʔtVj ʕja:t ʕ*ta:j ʕstretch, straighten ʕ*ta:j, #/Cǝ- ʕstretch, straighten ʕtVj ʌjɔ:t ʌ*tɔ:j ʌmove from one place to another ʌK799 ʌ*tɔ:j, pǝ- ʌmove from one place to another ʌA possible borrowing from Katuic ʌtVh het *teh noise, sneeze cf. 1796 *teh noise, sneeze tVj tVh sa:t *ta:jh hip kǝta:jh hip (not in D) *ta(:)jh.T, kǝ- hip PNB-504 tVj tVh siD *Dĭjh cotton *dijh, Cǝ- cotton Roglai dʔis cotton tVj tVh sǝ:D *Dǝ:jh shallow cf. 456 BRAO dǝ:x shallow hǝthǝ:s (A) shallow JS-497 tVj tVh sat *tăjh sneeze cf. 1792 JEH dajh.T sound *tajh noise, sneeze tVj tVh su:t *tu:jh head *tu:jh / *tujh head *tu:jh head TB5.71 tVj tVh so:t *to:jh trip over, stumble on cf. 1799 K804 JR kato:jh *to:jh, sǝ-/# trip over, stumble on A possble borrowing from Katuic tVh hɔD *[D]ɔh trip over, stumble on cf. 1798 K3575 JK kaduǝh V? YH tɔh-tɔh trip over, stumble on kadɔh trip over, stumble on TB17.428a Some forms may be borrowed from Katuic tVj tVh sɔ:D *Dɔ:jh feed trough *dɔ:jh, dǝ- feed trough tVj tVh saD *Dăjh kick (as a horse) cf. 1758 K1886 *dajh kick (as a horse) A possble borrowing from Katuic tVj tVh
tVj tVh saD *Dăjh well filled out (of grains) *dajh well filled out (of grains) tVj tVh se:t *te:jh fart K3577 *te:jh, sǝ- fart A possble borrowing from Katuic tVk ka:D *Da:k cook K827 *da:k, gǝ- cook A possble borrowing from Katuic tVc tVk
Proto-South Bahnaric: ceD
Proto-West Bahnaric: *Dăc
Proto-Northwest-Bahnaric: squeeze
Harak: *dec.T
Cua: squeeze, pinch
References: tVk kǝdʔ *dʔǝ̆k bran dʔǝk bran *dak.L bran *lǝk I? bran *dɨk bran *dǝk, ʔǝ- bran dɛk SBS-768, TB9.20 tVk ka:t *ta:k spear cf. 1822 ta:k spear *ta:k.T spear *ta:k spear PNB-289, SBS-57 tVk kǝD *Dǝ̆k / *tɔ̆k Cǝ- choke, cough *dak.L, kǝ- choke, cough CHR daʔ choke V? *tɔk, sǝ(n)- choke on (food or water) tVk kɔD *Dɔ̆k walk *dɔk go, walk tVk kɔ:D *Dɔ:k Cǝ-/# escape, conceal *do:k.T, kǝ- escape, conceal *dɔ:k hide *dɔ:k, #/pǝ- hide something padɔ:k hide something JS-432, TB17.140 tVk
kɔt *tɔ̆k ascend cf. 1828 tɔk ascend *tok.T ascend tɔk go up PNB-278, SPT ʔVw



   here, this


   here, this


   here, this


   tVk kiǝt *tiǝk husk *ti:k to husk tVk kuD *Dŭk carry *duk, bǝ- carry smth. tVk ↑kǝ:t ↑*tǝ:k ↑tortoise ↑*tǝ:k, ʔǝn- ↑tortoise ↑KS tǝ:k tortoise ↑ntǝ:k ↑tortoise ↑TB2.34a ↑tVk ↓kǝD ↓*dǝ̆k ↓dust ↓cf. 1807 ↓*dak.L, gǝ- ↓dust ↓CHR kǝndoʔ E? ↓particles of dust ↓tVk →kut →*tŭk →place →*tuk, gǝ- →place →tVk ←kɔdʔ ←*dʔɔ̆k ←# ←monkey ←dʔɔk ←monkey ←*dok.T ←monkey ←*do:k V? ←monkey ←*dɔk ←monkey ←PNB-278, SBS-515, TB2.81 ←tVk kut *tŭk cloud cf. 382 tuk fog *tuk sky, cloud tVk ↔ka:dʔ ↔*dʔa:k ↔# ↔water ↔dʔa:k ↔water ↔*da:k.T ↔water ↔*da:k ↔water ↔*da:k ↔water ↔*da:k ↔water ↔da:k ↔water ↔PNB-287, JS-52, TB1.21 ↔tVk kadʔ *dʔăk trap cf. 1808 dʔak set a trap *dak.T spear trap *dak trap BRAO dak to trap *dak to trap (mouse, bird) dak to trap (mouse, bird) PNB-274, JS-188, TB17.151 tVk kat *tăk # extract, throw away *tak pull out, extract *tak throw away tVk kuǝd *duǝk # boat du:k ship SED tuk.L boat *du:k boat *duak boat *du:k V? boat du:k boat PNB-271, SBS-600, TB8.93 Some forms may be borrowed from Katuic or KMR: du:k < OK dok, du:k "boat" tVk !ka:t !*ta:k / *tu:k !CǝN- !bean !*ta:k, sǝn- !bean !*tu:k, Cǝn- !long bean !PChamic *rǝta:k "beans" (TH-344 !tVk "kɨt "*tɨk "# "lead, follow "*tɨk "lead, follow "JS-901 "Forms may be borrowed from KMR ṭɨk "to transport, bring, lead" "tVk #kǝt #*tǝ̆k #sap, sticky #kǝtǝk #sticky #REN kǝtak.T sap LOAN? #Chamic *katak sap #tVk $kǝD $*Dǝ̆k $ascend $cf. 1812 $*dak.L $ascend $*dǝk $rise up $*dɨk $rise, climb $*dɨk $ascend, rise $dɨk $ascend, rise $dɨk stand up $JS-895 $PChamic *dʔiʔ "climb, asc end" (TH-316) $tVk %kud %*dŭk %pǝ- %stomach %pǝduk %stomach %*duk.L, pǝ- %stomach %vǝduk stomach %PNB-269 %tVc &cit &*tĭc &deaf &cf. 708 &*tic &deaf &Possibbly a borrowing from VN d_iếc "deaf" &tVk 'kat '*tăk 'wade across '*tak 'wade across 'tVk (kǝD (*Dǝ̆k (gourd (*d[ɨ]k, Kǝ- (white gourd, k. o. (*dɨk, kǝ- (white gourd, k. o. (kadɨk (white gourd, k. o. (TB3.32 (A possible borrowing from Katuic (tVk )kɔt )*tɔ̆k / *Duǝk )brain )cf. 2241 )K821 )*tɔk, Cǝn- )brain )*duǝk, #/ʒǝ- )brain )TB5.59 )

Proto-Bahnaric: *ńuk
Meaning: smoke
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Proto-South Bahnaric: *ńuk, hǝ-
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