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Bahnar etymology :

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Proto-Bahnaric: *la:t
Meaning: slice
Presyllable: Cǝ-
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Bahnar: kǝŋla:t
Bahnar meaning: a slice
Proto-West Bahnaric: *la:t, kǝ-
Proto-Northwest-Bahnaric: *la:t, cǝ-
References: TB17.311, TB17.436
Proto-Bahnaric: *la:w
Meaning: bird
Presyllable: hǝ-/ #
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Proto-Northwest-Bahnaric: *la:w, hǝ-
Harak: la:w
References: PNB-437
Proto-Bahnaric: *la:w
Meaning: penis, testicles
Presyllable: kǝ-
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Proto-North Bahnaric: *la:w.T, kǝ-
Proto-South Bahnaric: *la:w, kǝ-
Proto-West Bahnaric: *la:w, kǝ-
Proto-Northwest-Bahnaric: *la:w, kǝ-
References: TB17.370
Proto-Bahnaric: *lăp
Meaning: cover, lid
Proto-North Bahnaric: *lap.T, kǝ- / *lap.L, kǝ- zcover, lid zkalap zlid, cover zjVj {ja:j {*ja:j {elder sibling {*ja:j {elder sibling {jVj jVh |suǝj |*juǝjh |knife |*jo:jh / *juǝjh |knife |jVk }ko:j }*jo:k }mountain }*jo:k }mountain }jɔk peak }SBS-517 }jVk ̃kuǝj ̃*juǝk ̃cloud ̃cf. 1820 ̃*juk.L ̃cloud ̃*juǝk ̃cloud ̃jVk kǝ:j *jǝ:k #/hǝ- lift CHR jǝ:ʔ take off, lift *jɨ:k, #/hǝ- lift the NW form may be a Katuic borrowing jVk Аkɔj А*jɔ̆k А#/ʔǝ- Аtake, seize Аcf. 59 Аʔjɔk Аtake, get А*jok.T Аtake А*ʔiǝk, sǝ- V? Аtake, carry АjVk cVk Бkɔ:ʒ Б*ʒɔ:k Бvisit, visitor БJEH jo:k.T visit I? Б*ʒɔ:k, Cǝ- Бvisit, visitor БSBS-411 БMay be a borrowing. БcVl Вliaʒ В*ʒial.T Вsmooth Вcf. 313 В*ʒ[i:l].T Вsmooth ВjVl Гla:j Г*ja:l / *jiǝl Гkǝ- Гwind Гkja:l Гwind Г*ja:l.T, kǝ- Гwind Г*ca:l, kǝ-/# Гwind Г*jɨǝl, kǝ- Гwind Г*jial, kǝ- Гwind Гkajaɨ Гwind ГJS-870, TB1.49 ГjVl ДlVj Д*jVl Дon, above, over Д*jel, ʔǝ- Дon, above, over ДcVm Еmuʒ Е*ʒŭm Еtogether Е*ʒum.L, pǝ- Еtogether ЕjVm Жmǝj Ж*jǝ̆m Жbruised Ж*jɨm, #/pǝ- Жbruised ЖjVn ЗnVj З*jVn Зdǝ-/# Зsponge gourd Зdǝjɛn Зsponge gourd ЗJEH dian.T sponge gourd ЗSTI dien sponge gourd З*jan Зwhite gourd, k. o. ЗSBS-369 ЗjVn Иno:j И*jo:n Иlong, tall И*jo(:)n.T Иlong, tall ИjVq Йqaj Й*ja Йgǝ- Йthatch Йgja: Йthatch Й*ja.T, #/ʔǝ- Йthatch Й*ja, ʔǝ- Йthatch ЙSAP kǝjaʔ thatch ЙJS-142 ЙPossible borrowed from a Zhuan-Tai language: TH ja.A ЙjVq Кqaj К*ja Кginger Кrǝja Кginger К*ja.T, kǝ- Кginger К*ca I? Кginger К*ja, kǝ- Кginger Кkaja: ʔu:ń Кginger КPChamic *lija "ginger" (TH-295) КjVq Лqaj Л*ja Лhǝ- Лspinning wheel Лhjǝ: V? Лspinning wheel ЛREN hia.T spinning wheel ЛCHR khja: spinning wheel ЛPossibly a borrowing ЛcVn Мnu:ʒ М*ʒu:n /*ʒuǝn М# Мgive,send МCHR nʒɨn V? Мhand over М*ʒuǝn Мlead, send, accompany М*ʒu:n Мgive Мʒ́u:n Мgive МjVq Нqoj Н*ju / *jo Нpair Н*ju / *jo Нpair НjVq Оqaj О*ja Оwe Pl О*ja Оwe Pl ОjVq Пquaj П*jua Пfemale (animal) П*juǝ, ʔǝ-/# Пfemale (animal) ПjVq Рqaj Р*ja РCǝ- Рcrocodile Рcf. 1287 Рbǝja: hɔ:ŋ Рcrocodile Р*ja.T Рcrocodile Р*ja, rǝ- Рcrocodile РSAP ja: da:k crocodile РJS-9 РPChamic *buja "crocodile" (TH-286) РjVq Сwɔj СLOAN Сlove Сpǝjo: Сsweetheart, lover СJEH rǝjow.T romance СSPT СA Vietnamese borrowing: dấu СcVn Тnac Т*căn Тlook at, stare Тcf. 116 Т*can Тlook, look at ТjVq Уqɔj У*jɔ Уneedle УYH kjɔ needle Уgajɔ: Уneedle УjVr Фrɔ:j Ф*jɔ:r Фbecause Фjɔ: T? Фbecause Ф*jo:r.T Фbecause ФPNB-422 ФjVr Хra:j Х*ja:r Хslacken (rope) ХKS ja:r Хslacken (rope) Хpaja:r Хslacken (rope) Хpaja:r Хslacken (rope) ХTB16.116 ХA possible borrowing from Katuic ХjVr Цrǝ:j Ц*jǝ:r Цflying squirrel Ц*jɨ:r, tǝ- Цflying squirrel Цtajɨ:r Цflying squirrel ЦA possible borrowing from Katuic ЦjVr Чraj Ч*jăr Чhang up (rope) Ч*jar Чhang up (rope) ЧjVr Шru:j Ш*ju:r Шget up, stand up Ш*ju:r Шget up, stand up ШA possible borrowing from Katuic ШjVt Щtǝ:j Щ*jǝ:t Щstuck Щcf. 413 Щ*jǝ:t, hǝ- Щstuck ЩjVt Ъta:j Ъ*ja:t Ъaim Ъ*ja:t Ъto aim ЪjVt hVt Ыtǝ:j Ы*jǝ:t Ыhǝ-/kǝ- Ыforget Ыhjǝ:t Ыforget Ы*he:t.L Ыforget ЫPNB-215 ЫjVt Ьtu:j Ь*ju:t Ьbruised Ь*ju:t, ʔǝn- Ьbruised ЬjVt Эto:j Э*jo:t Эset up (a pole) Эcf. 409 Э*jo:t, pan- Эset up (a pole) ЭjVw Юwaj Ю*jăw Юlazy, relax Ю*jaw, kǝ- Юlazy, relax ЮjVw Яwa:j Я*ja:w Яrun Я*ja:w, #/tǝr- Яrun ЯjVw аwa:j а*ja:w аmore аja:w аmore (neg.) (not in D) а*ja:w.T аmore аPNB-446 аrVŋ бŋa:r б*ra:ŋ бstuck бkra:ŋ krel бconstipation бSED kreaŋ.T to be stuck somewhere бjVw вwaj в*jăw вʔǝ-/# вgrandfather, ancestor вcf. 211 вJEH ʔjaw.T male animal в*jaw вgrandfather, ancestor в*jɔ, ʔǝ- VT? вgrandfather вJS-405 вjVŋ гŋe:j г*je:ŋ гcarry in hand гcf. 253 г*je:ŋ.T гto carry in hand гLVE je:ŋ carry hanging г*jɛ:ŋ, ʔǝ- гcarry hanging гʔjeŋ гcarry hanging гjVŋ дŋal д*jăŋ / *jo:ŋ дaunt д*jaŋ.T дaunt д*jo:ŋ дaunt дSBS-543 дjVŋ еŋǝ:j еLOAN еbed еgjǝ:ŋ еbed е*jo:ŋ.T еbed еPNB-174 еA Vietnamese borrowing: Vn giu'ò'ng "bed" еjVŋ жŋe:j ж*je:ŋ жgold жcf. 229 ж*je:ŋ жgold жA Katuic borrowing жjVŋ зŋa:j з*ja:ŋ зexpand з*ja:ŋ зexpand зSBS-79 зjVŋ иŋa:j и*ja:ŋ иresin, glue и*ja:ŋ, ʔ- иresin, glue иjVŋ йŋɔ:j й*jɔ:ŋ й#/ʔǝ- йstand up йʔju:ŋ V? йget up, stand up й*jo:ŋ.L йstand up йSTI tǝjɔ:ŋ stand up й*ʒǝŋ / *ʒoŋ йstand йPNB йjVŋ кŋa:j к*ja:ŋ к# кspirit кja:ŋ кspirit к*ja:ŋ.T кspirit к*ja:ŋ кspirit к*je:ŋ V? кspirit, devil кja:ŋ кguardian spirit, god кPNB-159, SBS-78, TB7.30 кPChamic *ja:ŋ "spirit, god" (TH-334) кcVh лhaʒ л*ʒah л*ʒah.T лable лjVŋ мŋo:j м*jo:ŋ мhang м*jo:ŋ, #/tǝN- мhang мSBS-544 мkVh нhɔg н*gɔh нclean нcf. 457 нgɔh нclean, empty, all gone нJEH goh.T clean нnVŋ оŋo:ń о*ńu:ŋ / *ńo:ŋ о# оblack, dark о*ńu:ŋ.T, ʔǝ- R? оblack о*ńu:ŋ / *ńo:ŋ оblack, dark о*joŋ, ʔǝ- / *ju:ŋ оblack оJS-698 оSome forms are borrwings from KMR ńu:ń "very black" оjVŋ пŋo:j п*jo:ŋ пoval-shaped, elongated пYH jo:ŋ oval-shaped, elongated пʔjɔ:ŋ пoval-shaped, elongated пjVʔ āʔuj āfishing net; basket ā*juʔ āfishing net āA borrowing from a Zhuang-Tai language? TH jo:.A net ājVʔ ́ʔaj ́*jaʔ ́accuse ́*jaʔ ́accuse ́jVʔ äʔVj ä*jaʔ / *ʔiaʔ äfew, little äʔjeʔ älittle, small ä*jaʔ.T, ʔǝ- äfew, little äSPT äjVʔ ̨ʔaj ̨*jaʔ ̨grandparent ̨jaʔ ̨grandmother ̨*jaʔ.T ̨grandmother ̨*jaʔ, ʔǝ-/# ̨grandparent ̨*ja / *jaʔ ̨grandmother ̨ja:ʔ, jaʔ T? ̨grandmother ̨PNB-310, JS-139, TB7.44 ̨jVʔ ǟʔuj ǟ*juʔ ǟCǝ- ǟfear, scare ǟcf. 396 ǟtǝʔjuʔ ǟscare (not in D) ǟ*juʔ.L, #/ʔǝ- ǟfear ǟ*ju, rǝ-/hǝ- ǟfrighten ǟjoʔ, ʔjoʔ fear ǟPNB-323, SBS-574 ǟChamic *huiʔ ǟjVʔ c̣ʔoj c̣*j[o]ʔ c̣not c̣*jo:ʔ c̣not c̣A borrowing from Katuic c̣kVc čcak č*kăc čharvest rice čkec čto harvest rice čSED kej.L to pick leaves č*kac čharvest č*kac čpick by pinching čcakac čpinch čSBS-132 čkVc č̣cɔ:k č̣*kɔ:c č̣scratch č̣kɔ:c č̣to shred č̣*kɔ:c č̣to scratch č̣SBS-403 č̣May be a borrowing from one Bahnaric branch into another č̣kVc δco:k δ*ko:c δalmost burnt, dried out δ*ko:c, CǝN-/ # δalmost burnt, dried out δ*ko:c, Hǝ- δalmost burnt, dried out δTB16.7 δA local word? δkVc ēcǝ:k ē*kǝ:c ēsǝN- ēbedbug ēCHR sǝkac E? ētick ē*kǝ:c, sǝŋ- ēbedbug ēA possible borrowing from Katuic ēkVc ºcak º*kăc ºtight (of clos
Proto-South Bahnaric: *juǝh, #/bǝr-
Proto-Bahnaric: *lăp
Meaning: wound, cut
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Proto-Northwest-Bahnaric: *lap
Proto-Bahnaric: *lăp
Meaning: sharp
Proto-Northwest-Bahnaric: *lap, pǝ-
Proto-Bahnaric: *lăr
Meaning: mat
Proto-Northwest-Bahnaric: *lar, Hǝ-
Proto-Bahnaric: *lăt
Meaning: die
Proto-North Bahnaric: *lat.T, hǝ-
Proto-Bahnaric: *lăt
Meaning: roll over
Proto-Northwest-Bahnaric: *lat, pǝ-/bǝ-
Proto-Bahnaric: *lăw
Meaning: call
Proto-West Bahnaric: *law, kǝ-
References: TB17.370
Proto-Bahnaric: *le / *leh
Meaning: egg
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Proto-West Bahnaric: *lɛ, kǝ-
Proto-Northwest-Bahnaric: *lɛh, kǝ-
References: TB9.12
Proto-Bahnaric: *leʔ
Meaning: snail
Bahnar: dǝleʔ
Bahnar meaning: snail
Proto-North Bahnaric: *leʔ.L, tǝ-
Proto-Bahnaric: *leʔ
Meaning: completely
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Bahnar: leʔ
Bahnar meaning: final emphatic particle
Proto-South Bahnaric: *leʔ
References: SBS-746
Proto-Bahnaric: *leʔ
Meaning: short
Presyllable: #
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Proto-South Bahnaric: *liah / *leh
Proto-West Bahnaric: *lɛʔ
Harak: ʔlɛʔ
Cua: leʔ short
References: JS-266, TB16.140a
Proto-Bahnaric: *leʔ
Meaning: trick, cheat
Proto-Northwest-Bahnaric: *lɛʔ, kǝ-
Proto-Bahnaric: *leh
Meaning: woodpecker
Presyllable: tǝ-
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Bahnar: tǝleh
Bahnar meaning: woodpecker
Proto-South Bahnaric: *leh, kǝ-/tǝ-
References: SBS-756
Proto-Bahnaric: *leh
Meaning: tired
Presyllable: gǝ-
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Proto-Northwest-Bahnaric: *lɛh, gǝ-
Cua: glɛh
References: SPT
Proto-Bahnaric: *leh
Meaning: blink
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
References: SPT, SBS-754
Proto-Bahnaric: *leh
Meaning: pluck
Presyllable: pǝ-
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Bahnar: pǝleh
Bahnar meaning: pick, pluck
Proto-South Bahnaric: *leh, pǝ- / #
Proto-West Bahnaric: *lɛh
Proto-Northwest-Bahnaric: *lɛh
References: SBS-755
Proto-Bahnaric: *leh
Meaning: hook, fasten with a hook
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Proto-Northwest-Bahnaric: *lɛh, kǝ-
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