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PROTO: *te:c
MEANING: lead by rope
SOB: *te:k
PROTO: *te:jh
MEANING: taboo
NWB: *tɛ:jh
PROTO: *te:jh
NWB: *te:jh, sǝ-
PROTO: *te:ŋ
MEANING: waist
NWB: *te:ŋ, kǝ-
PROTO: *te:p
MEANING: contagious
SOB: *te:p
PROTO: *te:t
MEANING: vagina
WEB: *te:t
NWB: te:t
HAR: te:t
PROTO: *tǝ
MEANING: at, to
BAHME: to, at
PROTO: *tǝh
MEANING: chest
NWB: *tǝh, kǝ-
HAR: katɔh
PROTO: *tǝ̆k
MEANING: sap, sticky
BAH: kǝtǝk
BAHME: sticky
PROTO: *tǝ̆m
MEANING: overthere, yonder
NWB: *tǝm
PROTO: *tǝ̆ŋ
MEANING: similar; if
BAH: tǝŋ
NWB: *tǝŋ
PROTO: *tǝ:k
MEANING: tortoise
WEB: *tǝ:k, ʔǝn-
HAR: ntǝ:k
REFER: TB2.34a
PROTO: *tǝ:l
MEANING: answer
BAH: tǝ:l
BAHME: answer
NOB: *te:l.L
WEB: *tǝ:l
NWB: *tǝ:l, #/pǝ-
HAR: patǝ:
REFER: PNB-391, JS-783, TB17.181 4tVl 5lǝD 5*Dǝ̆l 5Cǝ- 5abdomen 5*dil, kǝ- 5abdomen 5*dǝl, pǝ- 5stomach 5*dɨl, pǝ- 5stomach 5padɨl 5stomach 5JS-816, TB5.4 5tVl 6la:dʔ 6*dʔa:l 6shallow 6cf. 307 6dʔa:l 6Tampuon da:l shallow 6SPT, SBS-724 6PChamic *dʔɛl "shallow" (TH-354) 6tVl 7le:t 7*dʔe:l / *te:l 7cf. 1838 7footprints 7dʔe:l 7footprints 7*te:l 7footprints 7tVl 8liaD 8*Dial 8lick 8K839 8*diǝl 8lick 8A possible borrowing from Katuic 8tVl 9liaD 9*Dial 9poor 9*dial 9poor 9tVm :mut :*tŭm :fishtrap :to:m V? :fishtrap :CHR tum fishing platform :NHA tum net, trap, basket :sum I? :fishtrap :SBS-661 :tVm ;ma:t ;*ta:m ;not yet ;ta:m ;not yet ;*ta:m.T ;not yet ;*ta:m ;be on time, in time ;PNB-40 ;ʔVŋ <ŋuǝʔ <*ʔuǝŋ <banana bunch <*ʔu:ŋ, sǝ- <banana bunch <tVm =mo:d =how much =do:m =how much, that many =REN do:m.L li.L how much ? < BAH =tVm >maD >*Dăm >handspan >*dam, Cǝʔ- >handspan >tVm ?ma:D ?*Da:m ?now ?*da:m, hǝN- ?now ?tVm @mu:t @*tu:m @lake @*tu:m.L @lake, pond @tVm Amuǝt A*tuǝm Apick up A*to:m.L Apick up, gather AtVm Bmadʔ B*dʔăm Bpǝ- Bfive Bpǝdʔam Bfive B*dam.T, pǝ- Bfive B*ram, pǝ- ? < KMR Bfive B*dam, pǝ- Bfive Bpadam Bfive Bdap five BPNB-23, SBS-190, TB11.6 BSB forms are borrowed from KMR: pram < OK pram, pra:m "five" BtVm Cmiad C*diam Cgǝ- Conion Ckǝdim V? Conion C*diam.T, kǝ- Conion CSTI diem k. o. squash C*diǝm, gǝ-/ kǝ- Conion C*diǝm, kǝ- Conion-like herbs Ckadiǝm Conion-like herbs CPNB-35, JS-317, TB3.1 CtVm Dma:t D*ta:m Dgǝ- Dcrab Dkǝta:m Dlarge crab D*ta:m.T, kǝ- Dcrab D*ta:m Dcrab D*ta:m, gǝ- Dcrab D*ta:m, kǝ- Dcrab Dkata:m Dcrab DPNB-41, JS-81, TB2.55 DtVm Emo:t E*to:m E# Eall Eto:m Eall E*tu:m.T Eall EPNB-45 EtVm Fmu:dʔ F*dʔu:m F# Fripe, red Fdʔu:m Fripe F*du:m.L Fripe, red F*dum Fred, ripe F*du:m /*dum Fred, ripe F*do:m V? Fripe Fdu:m Fripe FPNB-15, JS-752 FSome forms may be borrowed from Katuic FtVm Gmat G*tăm G#/CǝN- Gplant, dibble Gpǝtam Gto plant G*tam Gto plant, dibble G*dam I? Gto plant, dibble GTR patam transplant rice seeds Gntam Gtransplant rice seeds GSPT, JS-203 GtVm Hmǝ:t H*tǝ:m H# Htree trunk Htǝ:m Htree trunk; pǝtǝ:m to begin H*se:m.L Hbase, source H*tǝ:m Htree trunk H*tǝ:m Htree CLF. H*tǝ:m Hbase of a tree Htǝ:m Hbase of a tree HPNB-13, JS-791, TB4.7 HtVm Imad I*dăm I# / tǝ- Ibachelor Itǝdam Iyoung unmarried boy I*dam.T Iteenage boy I*dam Imale ISAP dam bachelor IJS-202 ItVm nVm Jman J*năm Jmedicine, drug J*t<ǝn>am or *nam, tǝ- Jmedicine, drug JtVm Kme:D K*De:m Kbend (to strengthen) K*de:m Kbend (to strengthen) KtVm Lmǝt L*tǝ̆m Loverthere, yonder L*tǝm Loverthere, yonder LtVm Mma:D M*Da:m Mpass a rope through a nose M*da:m, Hǝ- Mpass a rope through a nose MtVm Nmo:t N*to:m N#/N- Nwrap (with cloth or leaves) N*to:m, #/n- Nwrap (with cloth or leaves) NtVm Oma:D O*Da:m Odraw, paint O*da:m, #/n- Odraw, paint OtVm Pmǝ:t P*tǝ:m Pcover (with cloth) P*tǝ:m Pcover (with cloth) PtVm Qmɔ:D Q*Dɔ:m Qscoop up (with two hands) QK849 Q*dɔ:m, kǝ- Qscoop up (with two hands) Q*dɔ:m, kǝn- Qscoop up (with two hands) Qkadɔ:m Qscoop up (with two hands) QTB17.24 QA possible borrowing from Katuic QtVn RnaD R*Dăn Rsoft R*dan, n-/ *dɔn Rtender, soft RA possible borrowing from KMR: KMR dɔn < OK dan "soft" RtVn Sńo:d S*do:ń Spick up, gather Sdo:ń Spick up, gather S*do:ń Spick up, gather SSBS-537 StVn Tnɔ:dʔ T*dʔɔ:n T# Tear Tdʔɔ:n Tear, mind T*do:n.T Tear TPNB-78 TtVn Unuǝt U*tuǝn Uback of knife U*tu:n Uback of knife UtVn Vnǝ:t V*tǝ:n Vhat VCHR duon hat ? < KMR V*tɨ:n, kǝ- Vhat VPossible borrowings VtVn Wńa:t W*ta:ń W# Wweave Wta:ń Wto weave W*ta:ń.T Wto weave W*ta:ń Wto weave W*ta:ń Wto weave W*ta:ń Wweave (cloth) Wta:ń Wweave (cloth) Wta:t weave WPNB-94, SPT, JS-85, TB17.238 WtVn Xńu:dʔ X*dʔu:ń X# Xlong time Xdʔu:ń Xlong time X*duń.L Xlong time X*du:ń Xlong time X*du:ń Xlong (of time) Xdu:ń Xlong (of time) XTampuon thuń long time XPNB, SPT, JS-693, TB16.73 XSiD: PChamic *ʔaduan XtVn Yńit Y*tĭń Ydew Y*tiń Ydew YtVn ZnuaD Z*Duan Zserpent-headed fish Z*duǝn, #/CǝN- Zserpent-headed fish ZtVn [naD [*Dăn [dark [*dan, CǝN- [dark [tVn \nat \*tăn / *Dăn \obstruct (the way) \*tan \obstruct (the way) \*dan, CǝN- / *dǝn \obstruct (the way) \TB17.27 \tVn ]nuat ]*tuan ]late ]*tuǝn ]late ]tVn ̂no:t ̂*to:n ̂accuse ̂K3630 ̂*to:n ̂accuse ̂to:n ̂accuse ̂A possible borrowing from Katuic ̂tVp _pǝ:t _*tǝ:p _pigeon _kǝtǝ:p _pigeon _*tǝ:p, gǝ- _pigeon _SBS-739 _tVp `pɔdʔ `*dʔɔ:p / *dʔɔ̆p `handfull `kǝdʔo:p `fist `*dop.T, kǝ- `fist, handfull `PNB-201 `tVp apǝ:D a*dǝ:p abring a*dǝ:p abring atVp bpe:t b*te:p bcontagious b*te:p bcontagious btVp cpit c*tĭp ccockroach c*tip ccockroach ctVp dpat d*tăp dstab, pound dSED ta.L to pound d*tap dstab, pierce d*tap dstab, pound (rice) dtap dstab, pound (rice) dTB17.250 dtVp epa:D e*Da:p elow, short eK3636 e*da:p elow, short eA possible borrowing from Katuic etVp fpat f*tăp faround ftap fencircle fREN tap.T around fPNB-192 ftVp gpat g*tăp gkǝ-/# gegg gkǝtap gegg (not in D) g*tap.T, kǝ- gegg g*tap gegg gkǝntap gegg gkǝtap egg gPNB-190, SPT, SBS-227 gtVp hpǝdʔ h*dʔǝ̆p / *dʔăp h#/kǝ- hcover, shut hcf. 1905 hK858 hkǝdǝp hto hide; dʔǝp to cover hREN dap.T cover h*dǝp hcover h*dap, gǝ- hplug up (a hole) hYH kadɨp lid, cover htVp ipǝt i*tǝ̆p i# ibury i*tap.L ibury i*tǝp ibury i*tɨp / *kɨp ibury i*tɨp ibury itɨp ibury iSBS-803, TB17.307 iSome forms may be borrowed from KMR: kɔp < OK kap "bury" itVp jpa:t j*ta:p jslap, clap jta:p jto slap with hand j*ta:p.T jslap, clap j*ta:p jslap, hit j*ta:p jslap, clap jta:p jslap, clap jPNB, SBS-95, TB17.172 jtVp nVp kpa:n k*na:p kpoor ktǝna:p kdifficult (not in D) k*na:p.T, Cǝ- kdifficult kPNB-199 ktVp lpǝ:t l*tǝ:p / *tu:p lreach into l*tɨ:p lreach into l*tu:p lreach into lTB17.379 ltVp mpǝ:t m*tǝ:p mfirst, at the beginning mK3642 m*tǝ:p mfirst, at the beginning mpatǝ:p mfirst, at the beginning mA possible Katuic borrowing mtVp npiat n*tiap / *diap npress, hold nTR katiap press, hold nkadiǝp npress, hold nkVp opiǝk oLOAN opinch o*kiap, Hǝ-/ *giap o
PROTO: *tǝ:m
MEANING: tree trunk
BAH: tǝ:m
BAHME: tree trunk; pǝtǝ:m to begin
NOB: *se:m.L
SOB: *tǝ:m
WEB: *tǝ:m
NWB: *tǝ:m
HAR: tǝ:m
REFER: PNB-13, JS-791, TB4.7
PROTO: *tǝ:m
MEANING: cover (with cloth)
NWB: *tǝ:m
PROTO: *tǝ:n
NWB: *tɨ:n, kǝ-
PROTO: *tǝ:p
MEANING: pigeon
BAH: kǝtǝ:p
BAHME: pigeon
SOB: *tǝ:p, gǝ-
PROTO: *tǝ:p
MEANING: first, at the beginning
NWB: *tǝ:p
HAR: patǝ:p
PROTO: *tǝ:p / *tu:p
MEANING: reach into
WEB: *tɨ:p
NWB: *tu:p
REFER: TB17.379
PROTO: *tǝ:r
MEANING: cock's comb
PRPR: Kǝn-
NOB: *tar.L / *t[e:r].L
SOB: *tǝ:r, gǝ-
WEB: *tǝ:r, kǝn-
REFER: JS-802, TB5.63a
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