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Bahnar etymology :

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Proto-Bahnaric: *weh
Meaning: gore, attack with horns
Proto-West Bahnaric: *weh, Cǝ-
Proto-Bahnaric: *weh
Meaning: scrape in the ground
Harak: kawiǝh V?
Proto-Bahnaric: *w[e:]c
Meaning: parrot
Proto-Northwest-Bahnaric: *wɛ:c
Harak: we:c
Proto-Bahnaric: *we:t
Meaning: turn around
Proto-South Bahnaric: *wɛ:t
Cua: wɛ:t turn (right
References: PNB-248, JS-253
Proto-Bahnaric: *wǝh
Meaning: borrow
Proto-Northwest-Bahnaric: *wǝh
Proto-Bahnaric: *wǝ̆l
Meaning: forget, confused
Bahnar: hǝwǝl
Bahnar meaning: be confused; kuǝl be lost cf. 1243 JEH tǝwal.L forget OI hvǝl forget *wǝl, hǝ- / *wɨl, hǝ- lose the way tǝwɔl forget, mixed up Ache tuwʌ to forget wVl liaw *wial bend, turn cf. 2094 *wiǝl, tǝ(r)- bend, turn JS-352 nVń
ńan *năń tooth cf. 1107 sǝneń tooth canań fang, tooth wVn




   *wiǝn, ʔǝ-

   wet ricefield

   wVn niaw *wian civet *wiǝn civet wVn na:w *wa:n sǝ- vein, tendon hwa:n tendons, veins *wen.T, hǝ- V? tendons, veins *wa:n, sǝ- / *wan, sǝ- vein, tendon PNB-64, SBS-71 wVn ↑ńaw ↑*wăń ↑Cǝ- ↑twist ↑wɛń ↑to wring; tueń twist ↑*wań, Hǝ- ↑twist ↑kawań ↑twist ↑A possible borrowing from Katuic ↑wVq ↓qaw ↓*wa ↓oar ↓K994 ↓*wa, tǝr- ↓oar ↓A local word? ↓wVq →quaw →LOAN →ant, termite →muǝ: →termite →LOAN? →termite →PChamic *muãr "termite" →wVq ←qew ←*we ←you Pl ←cf. 2076 ←*wɛ ←you Pl ←wVq qiw *wi they cf. 2075 *wi.L they wVq ↔qaw ↔*wa ↔hǝ- ↔monkey, ape ↔hua: ↔monkey ↔*wa.T, hǝ- ↔ape ↔*wa, hǝ- ↔monkey, gibbon ↔NHA tiŋ hwa lemur ↔PNB-548, JS-31 ↔wVq qaw *wa uncle SED wa.T father-in-law *wa uncle SUQ ʔa: wa: son-in-law JS-30 PChamic *wa "uncle, aunt" < AN (TH-307) wVq qǝw *wa measure (length, height) *wǝ, cǝ- / *wa, cǝ- to measure (length, height) wVq qaw *wa very loud, resounding K427 *wa, hǝr- very loud, resounding A possible borrowing from Katuic wVr !rǝw !*wǝ̆r !kǝ- !stir !cf. 2086 !K1000 !*war.L, #/kǝ- !stir !CHR wǝr stir !*wɨr, ʔǝ-/kǝ- !stir !*wɨr, kǝ- !stir !kawɨr !stir !TB17.75 !wVr "rǝw "*wǝ̆r "fry "*wǝr "fry "wVr #ra:w #*wa:r ## #fence, pen #wa:r #make fence #*wa:r #fence, pen #*wa:r #pen (for buffaloes) #SBS-99 #PChamic *war "stable, pen" (TH-363) #wVr $rǝw $*wǝ̆r $almost, nearly, about $*wǝr, ʔǝ-/# $almost, nearly, about $wVr %ra:w %*wa:r %crawl %*wa:r, sǝ-/# %crawl %*wa:r, Cǝ- %creep, climb (of plants) %TB17.409 %wVr &raw &*wăr &insert into and rotate &cf. 2081 &*war, Kǝ- &insert into and rotate &wVt 'tǝw '*wǝt 'stir 'cf. 2089 '*wat.L, rǝ-/ʔǝ- 'stir 'wVt (tVw (*wVt (squeeze, wring, pinch (cf. 2043 (wec T? (twist off fruit (*wiat.T (squeeze, wring (*wVt (squeeze (wɛt wring, twist (PNB-248, JS-253 (Some forms may be loans (wVt )tɛ:w )*we:t )turn around )cf. 2087 )*wɛ:t )turn round )wɛ:t turn (right or left) )wVt *ti:w **wi:t *insane, crazy, mad **wi:t *insane, crazy, mad **wi:t, cǝ-/# *feel dizzy *wVt +ta:w +*wa:t +bend back the bow +K3726 +*wa:t +bend back the bow of a crossbow +A possible borrowing from Katuic +wVt ,ta:w ,*wa:t / *wat ,scratch ,cf. 2042 ,K3722 ,YH kwa:t scratch ,kwat ,scratch ,A possible borrowing from Katuic ,wVt -tiaw -*wiat -distorted, misshaped -*wiǝt, kǝ-/tǝ- -distorted, misshaped (of the lips) -wVl .lǝw .*wǝ̆l .# .round .cf. 2067 .wel .to spin .JEH kǝwel.T circle VR? .*wil .round .*wǝl, kǝ- .embrace, hug .PChamic *wil "round" (TH-333) .wVŋ /ŋa:w /*w[a:]ŋ /#/hǝŋ- /look for, hunt /hǝŋua:ŋ /to hunt animals /*wVŋ /look for, hunt /SBS-794 /wVŋ 0ŋǝw 0*wǝ̆ŋ 0throw 0*waŋ.L, hǝ- 0throw 0tǝwɛ:k 0SPT 0wVŋ 1ŋi:w 1*wi:ŋ 1return 1*wi:ŋ 1return 1wVŋ 2ŋiaw 2*wiaŋ 2village 2*wiǝŋ, tǝ- 2village 2wVŋ 3ŋǝ:w 3*wǝ:ŋ 3middle 3*wǝ:ŋ 3middle 3wVŋ 4ŋa:w 4*wa:ŋ 4#/kǝ- 4coil up, encircle 4wa:ŋ 4to encircle 4*wa:ŋ, kǝ- 4coil up, curl up 4*wa:ŋ 4encircle (to trap an animal) 4wVʔ 5ʔaw 5*waʔ 5want 5waʔ 5to want, be about it 5*waʔ.T 5want 5PNB-309 5wVʔ, kVʔ 6ʔaw 6*waʔ 6kǝ- 6do not want 6cf. 2101 6kuaʔ 6do not want to do 6*waʔ, kǝ- 6not want 6A derevation from n.2101 6wVʔ 7ʔew 7*weʔ 7afternoon 7*wɛʔ, tǝ- 7afternoon 7ŋVc 8ca:ŋ 8*ŋa:c 8tǝ- 8thatch 8*ŋa:c, tǝ- 8thatch 8ŋVc 9ca:ŋ 9*ŋa:c 9hǝ- 9light rain 9hŋa:c 9light rain 9SED hŋej.L rainy season 9PNB-255 9ŋVh :heŋ :*ŋeh :full from eating :*ŋɛh :full from eating :ŋVj ;ja:ŋ ;*ŋa:j ;pepper ;*ŋa:j ;pepper ;rVp <puar <*ruap <cover <cf. 1574, 1578 <C-MN ndrup lid <JR karuǝp lid, cover TB8.77c <ŋVj =ja:ŋ =*ŋa:j =pǝN- =person =bǝŋa:j =person, people =*ŋa:j.T, mǝ- =person =*ŋa:j =we =*ŋa:j, pǝN- =person, people =baŋa:j =person, people =PNB-469, JS-41 =ŋVj >ja:ŋ >*ŋa:j >*CǝC- >far, distant >*ŋa:j.T, Cǝʔ- >far >*ŋa:j >far >*ŋa:j, Cǝr- >far, distant >JS-43 >ŋVj ?jǝŋ ?*ŋǝ̆j ?tǝ-/# ?day, sun ?*hij.L I? ?day, sun ?*ŋaj day ?sun,day ?*ŋaj, tǝ- ?sun, day ?*ŋaj, #/tǝ- ?day ?taŋaj ?day ?hŋɨj day ?SPT, JS-176, TB14.17 ?REN ŋaj.L "day, sun" is a loan ?ŋVj ŋVh @sa:ŋ @*ŋa:jh @outside @ʔŋa:jh, ʔŋua:jh @outside @STI ga:jh I? @outside I? @SBS-101 @ŋVk Akuaŋ A*ŋuak Asnore AK1018 A*[ŋ]uǝk, cǝr- Asnore AA possible borrowing from Katuic AŋVk Bkɔŋ B*ŋɔ̆k Bmountain Bcf. 1237 B*ŋok.T Bmountain BŋVk Cko:ŋ C*ŋo:k Cmonkey C*ŋo:k Cmonkey CŋVk Dko:ŋ D*ŋo:k Dnape of the neck DTR ŋo:k nape of the neck Dŋɔ:k Dnape of the neck DŋVl Eliǝŋ E*ŋiǝl Eforehead Ecf. 2134 ESED tǝŋɔ.L forehead V? E*ŋɨǝl, tǝr- Eforehead Eŋɨ:l forehead ESPT, JS-871 EŋVl Flaŋ F*ŋăl Fawaken Fcf. 499 F*ŋal, rǝ- Fawaken FŋVl Glǝŋ G*ŋǝ̆l Gdǝ-/# Gstump Gdǝŋǝl Gtree stump GSED ŋɔ.L V? Gstump G*ŋǝl, tǝ- Gstump G*ŋǝl, ʔǝ- Gstump of tree G*ŋɨl, dǝ- Gstump of tree Gdaŋɨ: Gstump of a tree GSBS-773, JS-818, TB4.13 GŋVl Hlɔ:ŋ H*ŋɔ:l Hgarden, plantation H*ŋɔ:l Hgarden, plantation HŋVm Imaŋ I*ŋăm Iheavy Ihŋam Iheavy, many I*ŋam.T, hǝ- Iheavy IPNB-27 IŋVm Jmǝŋ J*ŋǝ̆m Jdark, black JJEH ŋam.L Jdim Jthaŋam (A) V? Jblack, dark JSPT JŋVm Kma:ŋ K*ŋa:m Kʔǝ- Ksweet Kcf. 1041 Kʔŋa:m Ksweet K*ŋa:m.T, ʔǝ- Ksweet K*ŋa:m, (ʔǝ-) Ksweet K*ŋa:m, ʔǝ- Ksweet Kga:m I? Ksweet KPNB-39, JS-77, TB16.161 KŋVn Lnaŋ L*ŋăn Lkeep quiet, sleep Lŋan Lto keep quiet L*ŋan.T Lto watch L*ŋan, #/hǝ- Lsleep LHAR ŋań Lsleep LŋVn Mnaŋ M*ŋăn Mtrue M*ŋan Mtrue MtVt Ntuat N*tuat Nenter, come in Ncf. 1956 N*tuat Nenter, come in NŋVn OńVŋ O*ŋVń Owant O*ŋVń Owant OŋVn Pno:ŋ Phemp P*ŋo:n, tǝ- Phemp PŋVq Qwiǝŋ Q*ŋiǝw / *ŋɔ Q# Qdark Q*ŋɔ, ʒǝ- Qdark Q*[ŋ]iaw Qblack QJS-258 Qcf. TH ŋaw.A shade QŋVq Rqaŋ R*ŋa Rpersuade R*ŋa, tǝ- Rpersuade RŋVq Sqaŋ S*ŋa Srǝ-/Cǝ- Ssesame S*ŋa.T, rǝ- Ssesame S*ŋa, rǝ-/lǝ- Ssesame S*ŋa, hǝ- Ssesame S

Proto-North Bahnaric: *wal.T
References: JS-199
Proto-Bahnaric: *wǝ̆l
Meaning: round
Presyllable: #
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Bahnar: wel
Bahnar meaning: to spin
Proto-South Bahnaric: *wil
Proto-Northwest-Bahnaric: *wǝl, kǝ-
Proto-Bahnaric: *wǝ̆ŋ
Meaning: throw
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Proto-North Bahnaric: *waŋ.L, hǝ-
Cua: tǝwɛ:k
Proto-Bahnaric: *wǝ:ŋ
Meaning: middle
Proto-Northwest-Bahnaric: *wǝ:ŋ
Proto-Bahnaric: *wǝ̆r
Meaning: forearm
Proto-South Bahnaric: *wǝr, tǝ- // tu:r
Proto-Bahnaric: *wǝ̆r
Meaning: stir
Presyllable: kǝ-
Proto-North Bahnaric: *war.L, #/kǝ-
Proto-West Bahnaric: *wɨr, ʔǝ-/kǝ-
Proto-Northwest-Bahnaric: *wɨr, kǝ-
Harak: kawɨr
References: TB17.75
Proto-Bahnaric: *wǝ̆r
Meaning: fry
Proto-South Bahnaric: *wǝr
Proto-Bahnaric: *wǝt
Meaning: throw away
Presyllable: hǝ-
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Proto-North Bahnaric: REN hwat.L
Proto-South Bahnaric: CHR hwǝt
References: SBS-715
Proto-Bahnaric: *wǝt
Meaning: stir
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Proto-North Bahnaric: *wat.L, rǝ-/ʔǝ-
Proto-Bahnaric: *wi
Meaning: they
Proto-North Bahnaric: *wi.L
Proto-Bahnaric: *wiaj
Meaning: watch, guard
Proto-North Bahnaric: *we:j.T
Proto-Bahnaric: *wial
Meaning: bend, turn
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Proto-West Bahnaric: *wiǝl, tǝ(r)-
References: JS-352
Proto-Bahnaric: *wian
Meaning: field
Proto-West Bahnaric: *wiǝn, ʔǝ-
Proto-Bahnaric: *wian
Meaning: civet
Proto-West Bahnaric: *wiǝn
Proto-Bahnaric: *wiaŋ
Meaning: village
Proto-Northwest-Bahnaric: *wiǝŋ, tǝ-
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