Comments:EAS 91, KW 3, Владимирцов 324, Poppe 55, Цинциус 1972a, 40-45. АПиПЯЯ 290. A Western isogloss. The Turkic forms are relatively late attested and could be < Mong., see TMN 1, 137, Щербак 1997, 199, but the Mong.-Tung. parallel still holds.
Comments:A Turk.-Kor. isogloss. Cf. also Evk. alga 'Southern mountain slope', algaja 'right river bank', algakačan 'mountain' - in ТМС 1, 30 united with alga 'blessing' which is somewhat dubious.
Comments:Martin 243, Whitman 1985, 129, 194, 246. The most probable accent reconstruction is *ā̀le, with regular correspondences between Turk., TM and most Japanese dialects; Kor. has a frequent "verbal" low tone.
Comments:PKE 21. Ramstedt cites Kor. ari- 'angry', but all dictionaries available to us only have ari- 'bitter, pungent'. A suffixed form *ā́li-bV may be probably recovered in Mong. albin, Kor. *ìrbǝ́ń- (and perhaps also PT *alba-stɨ) and PJ *ira-p-.
Comments:KW 9, VEWT 19, ТМС 1,2-3, АПиПЯЯ 292, Дыбо 13, Rozycki 17. A Western isogloss. The root presents considerable difficulties because of widespread later interlingual borrowings (see TMN 2, 125, Щербак 1997, 97-98). A specific problem is raised by initial h- in some Southern Mongolian forms (Dong. hamura-, Bao. hamera-, Mongor xamurā- 'to rest'). The aspiration here is evidently secondary, because it is absent both in Dagur and in most attested Middle Mongolian sources (but cf. MA hamisqu). It is, therefore, probable that these forms are in fact borrowed from modern Turkic dialects with secondary aspiration (cf. h- in Khalaj). This would be indeed an argument in favour of the whole *amura- group of words in Mong. to be regarded as borrowed from Turkic (although later reborrowings into modern Turkic languages were, of course, also possible). However, significant semantic and formal differences do not allow us to regard as borrowed, on the one hand, the Turkic forms going back to attested Old Uyghur (e.g. amɨr- 'to love), on the other hand, Mong. ami-n 'life, soul' and amu- 'to rest'.
Meaning:to do wrong; to accuse, tease
Russian meaning:ошибаться, делать неправильно; обвинять
Comments:A different etymology of the Jpn. form (see АПиПЯЯ 18, 81 and *ŋenu) seems less probable because of an obvious parallelism between the Jpn. and TM forms.
Comments:АПиПЯЯ 297. Korean has a "verbal" low tone. Deriving Kor. anč- from Sino-Korean an (SKE 11) should of course be rejected. The Turk., Kor. and Jpn. forms reflect a derivative with *-č`V; Mong. eŋke < *ā̀ńe-kV.
Comments:АПиПЯЯ 95-96, 277, Vovin 1997, 3. Basically an Eastern isogloss, with a Western remnant in Chuvash. Cf. also MKor. àčhjǝ́t- (-r-) 'not to like' (cf. TM *ān-či-). Korean has a usual verbal low tone.