Комментарии:A Western isogloss. In Turkic one could also compare *jarɨ (*jaru) 'side', but the word is attested late, restricted to the Kypchak area and may be in fact a simplification of *jāk 'side'+ directional -ru (cf. especially length in Oyr. d́ār); see ЭСТЯ 4, 145-146.
Комментарии:EAS 52, KW 484, SKE 32. A Western isogloss; Ramstedt compares also Kor. -ti- (mod. -či-) 'to become', in which case the reconstruction should be changed to *di.
Комментарии:Лексика 405. A Turk.-Tung. isogloss; phonetically satisfactory, but not devoid of semantic problems ("metal" in PT vs. "tool for working metal" in PTM).
Комментарии:KW 470. A Western isogloss, but, despite Щербак 1997, 121-122, hardly a loanword in Mong. < Turkic (final -i of the Mong. form is unexplained). The Turkic form, however, due to a merger of *ǯ- and *d- can also reflect PA *dàli 'to roast, burn' (q. v.); cf. especially Kypch. jalgavuč 'frying pan' (ЭСТЯ 4, 13).
Комментарии:Владимирцов 271. A Western isogloss. Closed *ạ in Turkic is not quite clear (perhaps secondary vowel assimilation in Yak.?). Mong. ǯubčaɣa (L 1077) 'fur-lined, cloth garment with fur inside' may be secondarily borrowed < TM.
Комментарии:The etymology is possible, though somewhat problematic. Whether the Japanese Daphnyphyllum may be equated with the Turkic and TM alder is a botanical question requiring additional clarification; as for the equation of the Turkic and TM forms, it is possible if we assume PTM *ǯugde- < *ǯurke, with the original velar suffix reinterpreted as part of the root.
Комментарии:A difficult word. On Turk. *josun and Mong. josun see above; Mong. *ǯisü thus seems a better historical match for Turk. *josun. There still remain, however, phonetic problems: in Mong. one would rather expect *ǯüs- or *ǯös-, not *ǯis- (possibly we are dealing with a vocalic metathesis *ǯisü- < *ǯüsi-?); and Evk. ǯesē - although hardly a Mong. loanword because of semantic difference - is also not quite regular (one would expect *ǯis-).